9 posts tagged



Career Corner How a Major or Minor in Philosophy can Prepare you for the Future

November 20, 2020 by Erin Berthon | News

What exactly is Philosophy? How does a Philosophy major or minor prepare you for a career? Philosophy involves thinking about some big questions in life and gives you the tools that will enable you to make informed judgments. Philosophy classes offer the space to think, write, and discuss one’s experiences broadly — not just the

Studying Consciousness and the Quantum What is the role of consciousness and the observer in quantum mechanics, and how should we model it mathematically? 

November 17, 2020 by | News

  Dr. Kelvin McQueen (Chapman University, Wilkinson College, Philosophy) and Dr. Markus P. Müller (Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna, Austria) have individually tried to answer these questions in two quite different and unconventional ways. Through a $31,728 grant, “Mathematical models of idealism and dualism: an adversarial collaboration,” awarded from the Foundational Questions

Get to Know Wilkinson’s Newest Faculty

August 17, 2020 by | News

Wilkinson College was looking for a way to connect with our new faculty via physical distancing. The Voice of Wilkinson reached out to the newest members of our community and asked them a few questions. We wanted to find out why they chose Wilkinson and what it meant to be a part of the heart

Career Corner Higbee & Associates Raise the Bar on Internships

July 23, 2020 by Erin Berthon | Wilkinson College

One of the most impactful experiences during your time as an undergraduate student is completing an internship. Gaining work experience is key for boosting your employability, especially as a liberal arts student. As the career advisor for Wilkinson College, it is important that I make connections with organizations and companies that can provide a great

Building Peace throughout Generations

August 6, 2013 by | English

Lisa Nashua, Director of Development Wilkinson Review 2013 Larry and Dulcie Kugelman believe in the powerful impact each person can make toward peace.  Both Larry and Dulcie have a long history contributing to the advancement of people and their communities.  Following his graduation from college, having received a dual degree in English

Wilkinson College at the Staff Summit 2012 – Resource Fair

June 14, 2012 by | Events

Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences was excited at the opportunity to showcase all Wilkinson departments and programs, and the faculty within those departments and programs, at the Staff Summit Resource Fair on Thursday, June 14 in Beckman Hall. Wilkinson displayed faculty published books, student and faculty research projects, ancient artifacts, Wilkinson Review (past

Philosophy presents, Heather Battaly, Feb. 24

February 21, 2011 by | Events

The Department of Philosophy presents Heather Battaly, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy, CSUF, “Attacking Character: Ad Hominem Argument and Virtue Epistemology” WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 24TIME: 7:15 p.m. LOCATION: Beckman Hall 213 For more information, please contact Dr. Michael Pace. Department of Philosophy in Wilkinson College.

Humans Consist of Two Parts: Body and Soul

October 7, 2010 by | Events

Human beings have a mental life of sensation, thought, purpose, desire, and belief. Although these mental states in part cause, and are caused by brain states, they are distinct from them. Richard Swinburne argues that we can only make sense of this interaction by supposing that mental states are states of a soul, a mental

Department of Philosophy

September 29, 2010 by | Uncategorized

Michael Pace, Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Philosophy, Wilkinson College, has an article appearing in the most recent issue of Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. “Perceptual Foundational Justification and the Problem of the Speckled Hen” criticizes several prominent theories of how experiences give us knowledge of the world. (The criticism involves a thought experiment about seeing a

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