78 posts tagged

Political Science


Political Violence in America: Historical Flashpoints and Modern-Day Trends Faculty Books

May 23, 2022 by | News

Dr. Lori Cox Han’s (Political Science) latest publication is a two-volume encyclopedia on the history and implications of political violence in the U.S. Written in collaboration with her husband Tomislav Han, an independent scholar and author of The Transformation of Aristotelian Political Epistemology in Eighteenth-Century American Constitutional Discourse, the 657-page manuscript covers 300 years in

Krav Maga and the Making of Modern Israel: For Zion’s Sake Faculty Book

March 15, 2022 by Carolyn Holt | News

Dr. Andrea Molle, assistant professor in the Departments of Political Science in Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, recently published his book, Krav Maga and the Making of Modern Israel: For Zion’s Sake. The book studies the relationship between the Israeli martial art of Krav Maga and the development of Israel’s national identity.

Fighting Climate Change: The Sixth Annual Public Policy Conference

March 25, 2021 by Talisa Flores | News

As the 51st Anniversary of Earth Day approaches, California policy makers will gather at Chapman’s sixth Annual Public Policy Conference, Fighting Climate Change, hosted by Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 to examine the details of climate change policy and raise broad questions and solutions to the issue.

Wilkinson Welcomes New Pre-law Advisor, Dr. Ron Steiner

December 22, 2020 by Rithu Gurazada | News

  Dr. Ron Steiner, Wilkinson College’s newly appointed pre-law advisor has some advice for those students thinking about law school. Follow your own path. “Your major and your other electives really won’t make much difference to the law school application process. There’s no script you have to follow. Some sense of business and basic awareness

How Two Chapman Humanities Grads Landed Writing Jobs on ABC’s ‘Black-ish’ For Graham Towers ‘08 (MA/MFA ‘12) and Ben Deeb ‘09, diverse journeys lead to insight and opportunity.

November 4, 2020 by Dennis Arp | News

It all started with short films starring cartoon animals. While their film school peers in a Visual Storytelling course were crafting sensitive tales full of dream sequences and dark storylines, Graham Towers ‘08 (MA/MFA ‘12) and Ben Deeb ‘09 were amusing each other with their comedic stories. One of their films was about a sentient

Faculty Books: Kevin O’Leary and Madison’s Sorrow

September 8, 2020 by Philip Goodrich | News

With a current political environment that seems more divisive than ever, many Americans find themselves questioning the actions, decisions, and beliefs of those in power. In his new book, “Madison’s Sorrow: Today’s War on the Founders and America’s Liberal Ideal,” (Pegasus Books distributed by Simon & Schuster), Kevin C. O’Leary (Political Science) provides “an eye-opening cultural

Get to Know Wilkinson’s Newest Faculty

August 17, 2020 by | News

Wilkinson College was looking for a way to connect with our new faculty via physical distancing. The Voice of Wilkinson reached out to the newest members of our community and asked them a few questions. We wanted to find out why they chose Wilkinson and what it meant to be a part of the heart

Career Corner Higbee & Associates Raise the Bar on Internships

July 23, 2020 by Erin Berthon | Wilkinson College

One of the most impactful experiences during your time as an undergraduate student is completing an internship. Gaining work experience is key for boosting your employability, especially as a liberal arts student. As the career advisor for Wilkinson College, it is important that I make connections with organizations and companies that can provide a great

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