3 posts tagged

Wilkinson College Chairs


Wilkinson Chair’s Meeting

October 1, 2012 by | News

Wilkinson Chairs h ard at work discussing a variety of issues. We are moving towards establishing a range of guidelines for tenure and promotion; for developing strategic plans at the Department and College level. You may also note how the Chairs are sinking in their seats as I proposed yet another committee!

First Chair’s Meeting

September 28, 2012 by | News

Our first Chair’s meeting since semester began. The Chairs perhaps looked a little awe-struck (a euphemism?) when Eric and Ann (the Associate Deans) and I laid out some of the plans for the coming weeks. We are setting off to build a series of strategic plans – for each department and then for the college

From Chair to Dean …

September 27, 2012 by | News

No real routine yet – too early of course. The days are filled with meetings – many interesting and full of promise. As I transition from being a Chair to a Dean it is interesting to work with my colleagues and appreciate what they are doing in the early days of semester. There is comfort

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