
Instructors who teach multiple sections of the same course may prefer to manage those sections through a single master course with associated child courses. The site where the enrollment is moved from is called the child course site, and the one which is the destination for the enrollment is the parent site. Multiple secondary sites can be merged into one parent site. In a merged course, students will see the name of the original course and the content from the parent course. Any future enrollment changes in the child course are also synchronized automatically with the master course.

If you would like to request the merging of two or more Blackboard course sites, please fill out this form.

Please Note:

  • Merging will not change the course enrollment in PeopleSoft, but only changes the listings in Blackboard. Thus, grades will need to be turned in to PeopleSoft for the original course enrollments.
  • You must be enrolled as the instructor in both the child and parent Blackboard courses to merge courses.
  • The child and parent Blackboard courses must be listed in the same semester in the Schedule of Classes.
  • After merging, the child courses will be made unavailable. Instructors should not make the child courses available in the future.
  • Course Merge will combine the Grade Center listing for all the students. If you require separate Grade Centers do not use Course Merge.
  • New content must be managed from the master course.