June 30th is Social Media Day and what better way to celebrate than diving into the social media careers of the Argyros School’s very own? We’ve solicited information and advice from Argyros School students and alumni working in social media to give you insight into what their day-to-day looks like, their favorite and least favorite parts of the job & industry, and more!

Sydnee DiMascio ’22

Major & Minor: Business Administration major, Marketing emphasis; Italian cluster

Current Role & Company: Social Media and Partnerships Coordinator at Crème Collective

What made you interested in a career in social media?

I have always been interested in social media and how it can make or break a brand overnight. I think that in this day and age, social media is important not only for an individual but can also make or break a company.

What internship experience have you had (if any) that led you to your current role/social media?

I was a Social Media Coordinator at my own clothing store which helped me gain some experience for my job now. However, since every brand is different and everything changes constantly, it was like I learned it all over again at my job now.

What are your favorite things about working in social media?

Every day is different and there is constantly more learning to do. I love that every brand is SO different which makes social media ever-changing from brand to brand. My absolute favorite thing is when a brand succeeds – it is the most rewarding feeling.

What are your least favorite things about working in social media?

Everything changes within a blink of an eye. Once you understand the algorithm, a trend, or find a viral song, it changes or becomes obsolete the next day. Along with that, a social media account is also never constantly growing or succeeding – there are ups and downs and stagnant moments – finding a groove is the hardest part.

What advice do you have for Argyros Students looking to get a job in the world of social media?

Social media jobs are not always 9-5’s – they are the jobs that never end. You constantly have to be checking in and looking online to stay up to date. My advice is: be patient – it took me a while to find a job after graduating and I am so glad I waited to get something I really enjoy.

Anything else you’d like to share about your work experience or Chapman experience?

Everybody told me I was so young and naive – in the sense of the industry – however, I really do feel that. I quite frankly am still learning every day and I am so ecstatic about that. I think that if you knew everything there was to learn in an industry it would get boring really fast.

Connect with Sydnee on LinkedIn >>>


Shea Rounds ’19

Major & Minor: Business Administration major, Marketing emphasis

Current Role & Company: Social Media Manager at Táche

What made you interested in a career in social media?

I worked as a Sales Associate at Laurenly while studying at Chapman and asked if I could help out with their social media. It began with me taking some photos of clothes around the store and then creating outfits and flat lays for their Instagram. It never felt like work which immediately made me interested in a career in social media particularly for lifestyle brands.

What internship experience have you had (if any) that led you to your current role/social media?

My first social media experience started while I was working at Laurenly. It was the perfect introduction to social media and led me to my internship with Frankies Bikinis. From there I started my first full-time position as Social Media Assistant with their marketing team. Interning is a great first step to getting into a dream company you’re hoping to work for!

What are your favorite things about working in social media?

The creativity in social media is endless. I love conceptualizing social media grids, designing mood boards, capturing content, working with influencers, and finding new ways to story tell.

What are your least favorite things about working in social media?

Unfortunately, social media never turns off so it is important to find a work-life balance and unplug from time to time.

What advice do you have for Argyros Students looking to get a job in the world of social media?

Make a social media portfolio! If you’re interested in a certain industry, research companies you would like to work for and try to get an internship. Ask current employees out for coffee or a quick phone call to pick their brain on their experiences and ask about any open roles. Also, if you love the content creation side, create an Instagram or TikTok account where you create content that aligns with a brand or company you’d want to work with. Showcasing what you can do is huge!

Anything else you’d like to share about your work experience or Chapman experience?

I miss Chapman University so much! I recommend to all current students, be really present and soak up every moment. You’re going to miss this one day! Also, don’t take life too seriously. You’re going to make mistakes and go through challenges but they only make you stronger and bring you closer to where you’re meant to be! Keep your options open and don’t be afraid to try new things! The world is your oyster.

Connect with Shea on LinkedIn >>>


Ryan Greger ’20

Major & Minor: Business Administration major, Leadership minor

Current Role & Company: Social Media Content Strategist at Edmunds

What made you interested in a career in social media?

Honestly, I wasn’t necessarily looking to go into social specifically, more just general marketing, and it fell under that umbrella.

What internship experience have you had (if any) that led you to your current role/social media?

I was a Marketing Intern at Aston Martin of North America for a semester my senior year, and social was my main responsibility!

What are your favorite things about working in social media?

I love that social media gives me an outlet to push my creativity, especially in terms of content creation. I work in our editorial department and we produce a lot of videos, so it’s always fun to go out on set with the team for social capture!

What are your least favorite things about working in social media?

At times it can be difficult to disconnect from work since basically, your whole job is right there on your phone.

What advice do you have for Argyros Students looking to get a job in the world of social media?

My biggest advice is to make sure the company you’re doing social for is something you’re passionate about! IF you’re not interested in the content you’re creating, it’ll be easy to get burnt out.

Connect with Ryan on LinkedIn >>>


Kiana Kalahele ’24

Major & Minor: Business Administration major, Marketing emphasis; English major, Journalism emphasis; Psychology minor

Current Role & Company: Digital Media Intern at Hawaii News Now

What made you interested in a career in social media?

I became interested in a career in social media once I began using social media platforms myself and I started up my Depop shop in 2019. Having a career in social media gives you the chance to be creative and learn new things every single day. I knew that I wanted to work and have a career in social media because of the ease and fluidity with which things can change on the platforms. There is always something new; whether it’s a new app, a new view, a new outlook, or a new trend, and as someone who really enjoys trying out new experiences, I knew that this would be the right career path for me. It, of course, has provided me with challenges throughout the process, but that’s only made me love it even more.

What internship experience have you had (if any) that led you to your current role/social media?

Before this position, I personally haven’t held another social media position or internship, but I did serve as the Entertainment Editor for 60 Seconds Magazine. Here, I learned a lot of the skills that I now use for my digital media position at Hawaii News Now, which consists of posting graphics, creating graphics, and analyzing audience retention and engagement levels, as well as writing stories for our online website. My position at 60 Seconds Magazine helped me to learn what it takes to develop and retain an audience as well as design skills in positing stories on our website or on our social media platforms. I also held positions at Chapman as the Social Media Coordinator for the First Generation Ambassadors two years ago, which helped me to learn basic skills in designing and operating, and maintaining a social media platform. Here, I got to experiment a lot more with creating interactive content for followers and it made me much more intrigued into learning more about what the social media world really had to offer! Now, I’m getting the chance to work for a company that I have always liked, and a lot of it is thanks to all of the positions that I was able to hold before! They gave me the skills and the confidence I needed to land a role like the one I’m in now!

What are your favorite things about working in social media?

My favorite things about working in social media are the ability to be creative and being able to connect in real-time with consumers. I have always been a creative person; always wanting to craft up something new or create graphics for friends and family, so once I knew that having a career in social media was possible, I knew that it would allow me to continue to be creative in my career path. From working in social media, I have been able to create graphics, use Canva and Adobe Photoshop to make posts, and even create Instagram Reels using Adobe Premiere Pro. It has been lots of fun and I’m able to have full creative ability when it comes to every post and Reel that I create. Connecting and interacting with consumers is another thing I really enjoy about working in social media because it gives me the chance to see what people are enjoying from our posts and what they aren’t, and going from there. Audience engagement is something I really enjoy, too, so making sure that what I’m creating for social media is something that people will actually want to interact and engage with is something I enjoy, too.

What are your least favorite things about working in social media?

My least favorite things about working in social media would have to be creative blocks and sometimes, the unpredictability of it. While I do enjoy being creative, having to create tons of different posts every day can get a bit overwhelming, especially when you are trying to create something new each time. Sometimes it’s best to take a break from the screen for a bit and once you come back, you’re sure to have an idea for a post to move forward with. In terms of unpredictability, social media is still quite a new phenomenon in our world and especially as an actual career. New things are being found out about social media and its impact every single day, and while it is interesting, it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes when you don’t know what to expect. Unpredictability will continue to hold true in the world of social media for a while, but rolling with the punches and being open to new things is the best way to move forward.

What advice do you have for Argyros Students looking to get a job in the world of social media?

For students looking to get a job in the world of social media, the best piece of advice is to be open and enthusiastic. As we continue to move more and more towards a digital age, social media will become an even bigger part of our lives and a bigger part of the job sphere. Therefore, a lot more jobs will continue to open up in the world of social media. Staying open and enthusiastic throughout the process of applying for jobs will help you to maximize your potential in finding a job or an internship in the field. Even if you may start off in a smaller position or at a less-known company, there is always a way to move up, so don’t be worried about where you start off at! Be open to learning new things and really try to find your niche in social media; whether it’s audience engagement, designing posts, or reaching out to consumers online. There’s a place for everyone in the world of social media!

Anything else you’d like to share about your work experience or Chapman experience?

Overall, I have enjoyed the experiences I’ve had at Chapman and especially the career experiences that I have had so far! The overall process of applying for jobs can be intimidating, but the knowledge and confidence that I have gained at Chapman has helped been very beneficial for me! Even though my current job at Hawaii News Now only lasts for the summer, I am excited to have had this opportunity to work here! Knowing that I was fortunate enough to get a position like this only makes me feel more confident to continue to move up in the world of social media and the world of journalism (since that is another one of my passions) as I continue through my college career and beyond! If anyone has any more questions regarding my experience at Chapman or is interested in getting into social media, feel free to email me (kalahele@chapman.edu)! I am always here to help!

Connect with Kiana on LinkedIn >>>


Surbhi Anand Miller, MBA ’23

Degree: Master of Business Administration

Most Recent Role & Company: MBA-Level Social Media Program Participant at TOMS

What made you interested in a career in social media?

It basically fell into my lap. It’s actually a funny story. When I graduated from undergrad in 2017, my career counselor at that time thought I’d be a good fit for a social media role at a fashion company called Talon International. Long story short, I didn’t get that role, but another general marketing role within the company. Two years later during the pandemic, I got laid off and ended up becoming a social media manager at a natural foods company called TRIBALI Foods! I ended up leaving that role to pursue school full-time.  But I knew then that it was meant to be all along! I just finished an intensive social media program at TOMS and currently I’m interviewing for social media roles!

What internship experience have you had (if any) that led you to your current role/social media?

It was probably the social media role at TRIBALI Foods that solidified my passion for entering this field. I literally learned on the job and I think I just exuded confidence that I could absolutely do it. Ultimately, you are your spokesperson! Even if you don’t have direct experience, anything can be learned!

What are your favorite things about working in social media?

I think the creation portion of it. I have a vision that starts in my mind and I love seeing how it translates when creating a post! It often turns out better than I could have imagined. It really lights me up. Also, I like knowing that people enjoy the posts I’m creating. At TOMS, we were very focused on mental health, and if I even made one post that contributed to a better day for someone, so worth it!

What are your least favorite things about working in social media?

Negative DMs and comments. You learn to not take it personally, but most of the time it’s not necessary!

What advice do you have for Argyros Students looking to get a job in the world of social media?

Get a social media internship while in college, it will set you apart when you’re actually job hunting for a post-grad position! Also, if that’s not a possibility, create your own brand, self-learn, have fun with it and add it to your resume. For example, I have a “Bookstagram” (@surbhiscozyreads) where I recommend books I’m reading. It’s slowly growing and it’s a lot of fun to chat and network with the Bookstagram community! But don’t have the goal of “growth.” Your goal is to enjoy it and I promise, growth will follow!

Anything else you’d like to share about your work experience or Chapman experience?

You really don’t know where life will lead you! I always gauge it with my feelings. If I even have a little bit of hesitation, it’s a “no” or “not right now.” If I’m like “Okay this is exciting” and I feel lit up by it, then it’s a “yes.” It’s what led me to apply for my first social media role at TRIBALI Foods.

Connect with Surbhi on LinkedIn >>>


Lauren Belzer ’19

Major & Minor: Business Administration major, emphasis in Marketing; Graphic Design minor

Current Role & Company: Manager, Social Media & Communications: Chapman UniversityThe George L. Argyros School of Business & Economics

What made you interested in a career in social media?

I first became interested in social media when I created an Instagram account for my photography. I knew I needed to stand out and needed a place to showcase my work, so I really dove head-first into the social media realm. From there, I knew that I could make a career of it when I took Dr. Niklas Myhr’s Digital Marketing class my junior year! I started blogging and running my own social media accounts, helping out local small businesses in Orange County and back in my hometown of Camas, Washington. It really propelled my creative abilities and I knew I could marry creativity with strategy in a social media role!

What internship experience have you had (if any) that led you to your current role/social media?

I’ve had various internship experiences. My first “big girl” internship was with an energy drink company where I managed social media and influencer partnerships. I’ve also freelanced on my own for small businesses in the clothing, beauty, and lifestyle spaces! After I graduated from Chapman, I was a Social Media Specialist for an agency in San Diego where I worked with clients in industries all over the map: from semi-truck trailer companies to software, spray tan salons, and everywhere in between! Pivoting from client to client also taught me agility in the world of social media! Now, I’m the one who gets to tell all kinds of amazing stories of Argyros School students, alumni & faculty (like this one) as the Manager, Social Media & Communications for the Argyros School – so any post you see on ASBE social channels is from me and my team of amazing student assistants!

What are your favorite things about working in social media?

My favorite thing is the endless possibility and creativity that comes with a social media role. It’s so much trial and error and it’s really exciting to see what works and what doesn’t for your client, brand, etc. because each company finds success on social in such different ways. What works for one brand/company doesn’t necessarily work for the other and I think that’s so cool!

What are your least favorite things about working in social media?

My least favorite things are the ever-changing aspects of social media. It’s frustrating trying to keep up all the time as much as it is exciting. Additionally, social media is a true full-time job and it never sleeps. You always have to be “on” which can be a pretty quick path to burnout if you don’t protect your time, set boundaries, and take breaks (or vacations).

What advice do you have for Argyros Students looking to get a job in the world of social media?

Two things. First, from a work perspective, my advice would be to start out small & learn the ropes. Freelance if you have the opportunity, especially for a small business or two. It will help you learn and gain hands-on experience while providing the small business (often times a 1-person show) with the help they need for their business to be more successful. You can always work your way up from there! Secondarily from a lifestyle perspective, be sure to protect your time and mental sanity. Much of a social media job can be done from anywhere you are on your phone, so it can be hard to turn off. Make sure you’re taking time for yourself and not working all the time just because doing your job is so easily accessible. Even if you love it, you still need to step away from your work! Take your PTO (I’m serious), and plan time in your workday to step away from your phone/computer. I promise it’ll make you that much better at your job when you give yourself the necessary rest and time away!

Anything else you’d like to share about your work experience or Chapman experience?

Social media isn’t for everyone. And it might not be your long-haul marketing role – and that’s okay! I’ve taken a break from a social media-specific role, just to find myself back in one. It’s okay if your career isn’t linear!

Connect with Lauren on LinkedIn >>>


Sammie Walker ’22

Major & Minor: Business Administration major; Computer Science minor

Current Role & Company: Paid Social Strategist at Volt Agency (acquired by Acceleration Partners)

What made you interested in a career in social media?

I wasn’t actually planning on pursuing a career in social media. The founder of Volt, Ryan Waranauskas, graduated from Chapman in 2018. In my junior year, he came and spoke in one of my marketing classes (Dr. Niklas Myhr’s Digital Marketing class). At this point, Volt was still a super small start-up with 5 employees including Ryan, and I reached out to him afterward to let him know I was really impressed with him and how he started this awesome company at such a young age, that I wanted to learn more and would love to intern for him over the summer. He and the team interviewed me and I started a few months later. Now I have been working for Volt, now Acceleration Partners (AP) due to the recent acquisition, for 2 years and absolutely love it! Also important to note Volt and AP are completely remote. Volt now has 10 employees, and AP has over 300 across the globe.

What internship experience have you had (if any) that led you to your current role/social media?

My prior work experience was unrelated to social media. My only other jobs in college were as a kickboxing instructor at 9Round for a few years and a data science/coding internship with Katch during the summer of my sophomore year.

What are your favorite things about working in social media?

My favorite thing about my job is actually the people! Ryan has fostered such a caring, kind, encouraging, and honest place to work. It’s great to work at a place where you are so comfortable asking for help/guidance, feel like a true part of the team, and look forward to working each day. Starting out at a startup was such a great experience because I was able to form such great relationships with my coworkers (even being remote), which turned into a passion for my day-to-day tasks and responsibilities. I love how creative working in social media is, there’s always something new to try or discover. I also love getting to meet so many great people who have all different kinds of businesses, and I love building relationships with them as well and learning about different sides of the industry.

What are your least favorite things about working in social media?

I am having a pretty hard time coming up with an answer to this one! There honestly isn’t much that I don’t like about my job. Working remotely has a lot of pros to it that I do really enjoy but I would love to be in person. A lot of e-commerce/digital marketing work is remote.

What advice do you have for Argyros Students looking to get a job in the world of social media?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, always follow up with people that inspire you or you have good conversations with. Always be honest, don’t just tell people what they want to hear. Once you actually care about people and help their business, that’s when you can provide them the most useful help and form meaningful relationships on both sides. Relationships are key so be kind to people and always do your best!

Connect with Sammie on LinkedIn >>>


Jackie Novielli ’21

Major & Minor: Business Administration major, Marketing emphasis; Graphic Design minor

Current Role & Company: New Media Assistant at The Wall Group

What made you interested in a career in social media?

During my time at Chapman University, I focused my studies on Business Marketing and Graphic Design. My interest in social media developed over time as it seamlessly merged my educational background with my personal passions. As a creative, social media provides endless opportunities for expression and content creation. When utilized effectively, it becomes a powerful platform to share ideas, opinions, and knowledge while also serving as a valuable tool for marketing purposes. The combination of social media marketing for the fashion industry paired with my prior experience felt like a perfect and instinctive fit.

What internship experience have you had (if any) that led you to your current role/social media?

As a sophomore and junior at Chapman University, I held the role of Director of Social Media for Alpha Phi Sorority. This experience sparked my passion for the digital creative field and ultimately motivated me to pursue a minor in graphic design.

What are your favorite things about working in social media?

No day is the same. The ever-evolving nature of this field continually tests my creative and analytical abilities. The Wall Group exposes me to a team of talented designers, digital strategists, and creative directors, providing invaluable opportunities for learning and growth. One of the most rewarding aspects is developing content around The Wall Group’s artists, particularly during events like New York Fashion Week, Tribeca Film Festival, and the MADE New Wave Runway Show.

What are your least favorite things about working in social media?

Social media operates around the clock, and managing a healthy work-life balance can be difficult. It can require availability outside of regular work hours; however, the rewards of being immersed in an industry you are passionate about make the effort worthwhile.

What advice do you have for Argyros Students looking to get a job in the world of social media?

Build your own personal brand, create a website, share your work on the internet, and really lean into your passions. Develop skills in a variety of areas such as copywriting, graphic design, analytics, photography, community management, etc. Be patient. Securing a job after graduation is competitive but it’s important not to get caught up in titles or entry-level salaries as building a strong work ethic and gaining early career experience is priceless.

Anything else you’d like to share about your work experience or Chapman experience?

Professor McQuiddy and Professor Dickson were two of the most influential professors I encountered at Chapman. They taught me to trust my instincts and find value in my work. I attribute much of my confidence in the workplace to these two individuals and am grateful for the education I received at Chapman University.

Connect with Jackie on LinkedIn >>>


Interested in a career in social media? Join our Official Chapman Argyros Career Community on LinkedIn and visit our Career Advancement team in Beckman Hall 305!