Hello Everyone, My name is Shreya Chhagan. I am a transfer student and began my journey here at Chapman in Fall 2021. After high school, I didn’t know what I wanted to major in, so I attended community college for two years to explore my options. I am a first generation college student, so navigating the college system was slightly difficult at first. However, through proper communication and networks, I found the support I needed. When the pandemic hit, I attended Sacramento State University for a year before transferring to Chapman. Though my experience at Sac State was great, it is not as comparable to my experience so far at Chapman. 

I am currently a senior at Chapman majoring in Communication Studies with a themed inquiry in Leadership Studies. Specifically, I chose Communication as my major because it is a very important life skill to have. I found myself relating to Communication the most, seeing as there is no one right answer when it comes to communicating. I like how it is flexible and allows me to have engaging conversations with everyone I meet. Also, I am involved with Lambda Pi Eta, the Honors Society for the School of Communication. Coming to Chapman University has given me various opportunities that I would have never found myself doing before. From having internship opportunities to getting more involved on campus, I am always prepared to take on new challenges.

I grew up in Orange County and have lived here my pretty much my whole life. With this, I am able to commute to school everyday. Living in SoCal has offered so many possibilities and fun things to explore. Some of my favorites are being able to go to the beach in a matter of 15 minutes (depending on traffic). I also enjoy going to places like Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, and Universal Studios. Seeing as I love to explore, OC has many options when it comes to food and coffee shops, such as Centro (my favorite Italian restaurant) and Philz Coffee (my go-to before classes).

I applied to serve on the Student Advisory Board (SAB) because I love networking and helping others reach their highest potential. I was introduced to this opportunity even before beginning at Chapman and later introduced again before the SAB application was due. I gave it a shot and am grateful to have obtained this position. I am looking forward to meeting new people and gaining lasting connections. 

Feel free to reach out at anytime, my email is schhagan@chapman.edu or follow/DM my IG @shreyachhagan