Hi Guys,

My name is Cole Mausolf, and I am a Senior Strategic and Corporate Communication major and Psychology minor here at Chapman University. This past semester, I had the opportunity to intern at PicksCity Entertainment Incorporated. I had a great experience interning for this company over the course of this semester and I am excited to share more about my experiences in this blog post.

How Did I Find/Land This Internship?

Let me first highlight the fact that finding an internship isn’t easy at all. Especially, if you’re looking for an internship that fits your career goals and aspirations. I initially started my internship search for this particular position in the fall semester of my senior year at Chapman University. At this time, I was looking for a sports marketing internship in specific. Through extensive searches on LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor, I just couldn’t find an internship that I thought was a good fit for me. I applied to a few, but they weren’t positions I really wanted or had passions for. Instead, I went through the Chapman Handshake page and immediately found sports marketing positions that caught my attention. I immediately started applying to six or seven positions that interested me, including the PicksCity Entertainment position. Over the course of the next few weeks, I heard back from a few of those companies, including PicksCity. Since I really wanted the internship at PicksCity, I got back to them first. After a few back-and-forth messages through Handshake, I was able to land a phone interview with the President and CEO at the company. After the completion of the phone interview, he told me that I had landed the position as a social media marketing intern. I was ecstatic that I landed the internship that I wanted, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Chapman Handshake. I highly recommend using the Chapman Handshake resource to find any job or internship. It is very easy to use and is available to all Chapman University students.

My Responsibilities and Role as a PicksCity Intern

Like I mentioned above, I got hired to be a social media marketing intern for PicksCity Entertainment Incorporated. PicksCity is a sports handicap betting website that is used by many people interested in receiving the best sports picks by highly qualified professionals. As a social media intern for this company, it was my responsibility to grow and expand the popularity of PicksCity’s social media platforms, mainly their Twitter platform. For this role, I was in charge of planning and scheduling tweets, retweeting, identifying social media trends, and looking at engagement data on Twitter. Basically, anything having to do with Twitter, I had a hand in. I also had a role in coming up with the ideation of social media content on other platforms including Instagram. Furthermore, when I wasn’t looking after the social media platforms, I engaged in regular contact with my and boss at PicksCity to ensure everything was running smoothly.

What did I learn from this internship?

As an intern for PicksCity, I learned more than I ever thought I would. My career goal is to work in the marketing department for an NBA organization, and I felt that this internship with PicksCity set me up for that goal moving forward. To start off, I was able to gain hands on experience in working with a sports affiliated company. But, other than that, I was able to learn how to monitor, track, and identify social media trends after being in charge of a huge platform like Twitter. I also learned how to tailor tweets to a specific target audience and analyze what tweets got a lot of engagement and what tweets didn’t. Ultimately, working as a social media intern for PicksCity taught me how to grow a following on social media and work with others in a professional setting. My experience at PicksCity Entertainment will definitely be something I look back on as a major factor in the shaping and development of my career.