Faculty Promotion and Tenure

April 10, 2020 by Dr. Jennifer Waldeck | Accomplishments

Every spring, the Provost of Chapman University announces faculty tenure and promotion decisions. You may have heard these terms, but what do they really mean? What is “tenure”? And how do professors get “promoted?” This quick article should help answer all your questions! What is “Tenure” and How Do Professors Earn It? Tenure refers to


Ethical Controversies in Communication

April 6, 2020 by | Course Reviews

Last semester I decided to take Ethical Controversies in Communication as an upper-division elective for my Strategic Corporate Communication major. Ethics is something that has always interested me and as a double major in Psychology, I thought this class would complement and bring together both of my majors. Throughout this course, we explored alternative ways


What Do Aquariums Teach Jobseekers During a Pandemic?

April 3, 2020 by | Career Advice

During this stay-at-home period of the pandemic, we know aquariums, museums, and opera houses can’t fill their IRL venues. But that doesn’t stop them from reaching out and attracting visitors. Curators and marketers figured out how to fill the minds of their prospective audiences. They have gone online with impressive displays of their exhibits, collections,


REAL World Experience

March 31, 2020 by | Internships

There comes a point in most college students’ careers where they decide they are ready to take on an internship. As a Communication Studies student, there are so many different kinds of internships that are available to me, whether that be public relations, human resources, social media, marketing, etc. I had no idea where to


How Do You Blend Language, Culture, and Communication Theory?

March 13, 2020 by | Students

My name is Sarina Welsh and I’d like to share my experience with the Global Communication and World Languages program. In the Global Communication and World Languages major, students pursue fluency in a chosen language while infusing their course of study with communication theory and research. Coming into college, I had an interest in Italian


How Communication Prepared Me for My Next Adventure

March 5, 2020 by | Students

Many students are curious to know where they can take a degree in communication after college. The answer is……anywhere. Riley Byrne, a senior Strategic and Corporate Communication major spent some time talking with us about how she will be using her degree to make a difference in the world through the Peace Corps. How did


Non-Profit Communication

March 2, 2020 by | Course Reviews

As a senior Strategic and Corporate Communication major with the aspiration to work for a non-profit organization post-graduation, I decided to take SCC 425—Communication in the Non-Profit Organization. Throughout this course, I learned about specific methods for what makes a non-profit successful. Some main topics focused on building an effective mission statement, appealing to a


Research Coming Full Circle

February 28, 2020 by | Students

Hi! My name is Sarah Downey and I am currently a student in the 4 + 1 Masters of Health and Strategic Communication program. This specific program allows me to integrate the Master’s courses with my undergraduate work. The program has turned into a 3 + 1 program for me since I am graduating early.


From Customer Service Consultant to Public Servant Candidate

February 28, 2020 by | Alumni

Holeka Inaba graduated in 2016 with a double major in Communication Studies and Integrated Educational Studies. He went on to complete a Master’s of Science in Health and Strategic Communication in 2017. In 2019 he decided to run for County Council in his home state of Hawaii. We caught up with him to see what

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