The last several weeks have seen unprecedented change in the world as we all do our part to protect ourselves and our communities from the spread of the coronavirus. While social distancing is impacting the economy at large, certain sectors have been hit especially hard by the necessary changes we are undertaking. We know that CoPA students and alumni are feeling those effects in particular, as you develop your careers in arts and entertainment.

Although there has been some disappointment and frustration about canceled productions, we have been touched to hear a great deal of optimism, problem-solving, working together and undiminished passion for creative expression. We know that CoPA students and alumni are incredibly resilient, flexible, innovative and compassionate. These qualities will not only help you get through difficult times, but will help you achieve success and longevity in your performing arts careers.

In these uncertain times, we want you to know that we here for you. CoPA students and alumni can always reach out to the CoPA Career Advisor, Emma Trammell, to schedule an appointment for career advising on Zoom or by phone. The Chapman Career Team is working hard to provide the same level of service as always, and you can keep up-to-date with any changes on the Career website. Alumni and graduating seniors: don’t forget that career advising continues throughout the summer and that Chapman is your career connection for life! We understand that this is an unusual time for those of you about to transition out of college, and we are committed to supporting you as you take your next steps, whatever they may be.

As you think about your careers, remember that there are plenty of things to do while social distancing. Here are our tips:

  1. Keep making art! We make art to be of service to our communities and to say something important to the world. People need dance, music, and theatre now more than ever! Get creative about how you can still make it and share it with others. And don’t forget to do your part to support other people’s art as well.
  2. Nurture your artistic community. The performing arts are fundamentally collaborative, so it is important to stay connected to your artistic community, even if you can’t interact in person. Check in on your peers, reach out to your mentors for advice, connect with alumni and invite someone you admire for a virtual coffee chat.
  3. Bolster your online presence. Whether it’s your Instagram, LinkedIn or personal website, now is a great time to polish up your online presence so you are telling your unique story in the best way possible.
  4. Clarify your goals. Although your short-term plans almost certainly need to be adjusted now, your long-term dreams have likely not changed. Don’t lose sight of what drives and inspires you, and spend some time planning what concrete steps you need to take to get there.
  5. Familiarize yourself with career resources. In addition to Chapman, there are numerous organizations out there that can help you in times like these. Check out the starter list below for coronavirus resources for the performing arts: everything from unions to arts advocacy to online workshops to emergency funding.


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