Student stands with research board

Yasmin Akbari with her presentation, research also conducted by students Gaganjyot Sandhu and Terri Scott

With a thought provoking poster, Yasmin Akbari presented her research on ‘Reducing the Negative Effects of Media Exposure on Body Image: The Effectiveness of Subvertising and Warning Labels’ with advisor
Dr. David Frederick
. Research included over 800 study participants and found no sizeable difference in body image perception when images included warning labels that the image had been photoshopped or contained subvertising. This can lead to a larger discussion on attempts to alter how the media presents advertising and promotion and its psychological effects. Dr. Frederick also consulted with Megi Herring and Crystle-Joie Agbayani and their research in ‘What Constitutes Sexual Consent and Assault? The Effects of Verbal, Physical, and Linguistic Cues.’ As the researchers noted, a very present topic across universities nationwide currently.

Students stands with research boards

Crystle-Joie Agbayani and Megi Herring

At the Spring 2015 Student Research Day, held on May 13, undergraduate poster sessions consisted of
Crean College
Health Science and Psychology majors’ senior thesis projects as well as research projects conducted with faculty mentors.  Physical Therapy graduate students made an appearance including, Matthew Asmus, Brittney Tanaka, and Brianna Roberts who presented their research the ‘R Project in the Clinic.’ The students presented together at the
DPT Student
Research Day
held in April as well. 
Dr. Marybeth Grant-Beuttler
Dr. Richard Beuttler
served as advisors.

Student and faculty member shake hands

Dr. Steve Schandler shares a lighthearted moment with his students

One of the faculty mentors, the well-known
Dr. Steven Schandler
stated that he was thrilled with the 100% student participation rate in psychology presentations for this year’s event. Overall you could feel the sense that the faculty had come to know their students on an individual basis throughout their time here at Chapman. For those seniors who will celebrate their graduation in just over a week and move onto new endeavors, including graduate school, their feelings of sentiment in completing their last presentations were noticeable.  Their professors held the same emotion with enthusiasm for what the students had accomplished in their time here.  Numerous students expressed hope that their research would live on and continue in the hands of fellow undergraduate students.

Student stands with research board

Kathryn Wann and Dr. David Pincus present their continued research in ‘Entropy and Pathology in the Menopausal Transition’

Such as Kathryn Wann, who continued preliminary research with
Dr. David Pincus
from his
Datapalooza Conference
, ‘Entropy and Pathology in the Menopausal Transition.’ Bonnie Truong sought to compare the effectiveness in cognitive-behavioral therapy vs. other treatments, such as acupuncture, for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in adults.
Dr. Laura Glynn
was in attendance to support students, including Kylee Moore, Amanda Appel, and Mariann Howland who presented ‘State of Mindfulness During Pregnancy and Associations With Positive Mood.’

Student stands with research

Psychology student Bonnie Truong with her presentation

Psychology students spoke of their 50 page senior thesis projects due the very next day following the event with excitement and naturally a bit of nervous energy.  Dr. Schandler’s stated that several students had a difficult time in narrowing their thesis to the 50 page limit and some would have preferred additional length to elaborate. Dr. Julia Boehm, Dr. Connie Shears, and Dr. Marcia Abbott were all also in attendance and excited to support students in their mentorship projects.

Student stands with research board

Taylor Stephens, who was awarded Outstanding Senior presented her senior thesis, ‘The Effect of the Parent on Child Anxiety Treatment.’

Student stands with research board

DPT students make a good showing – Matthew Asmus, Brittney Tanaka, and Brianna Roberts present their research, ‘R Project in the Clinic.’

Congratulations to Crean College students in your research talents as well as your achievements in your programs throughout the school year. Thank you for your participation and enthusiasm along with our dedicated faculty and visitors!

Student stands with research board

Reagan Blason presents her senior thesis, ‘Efficacy of the Picture Exchange Communication System in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.’

Student stands with research board

Psychology students in order, Jin-Hui Wen presents ‘The Effects of Excessive Use of Social Network,’ Brooke Snelgrove looked at ‘Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment: Efficacy of Complementary and Alternative Medicine,’ and Olivia Silke ‘Mindfulness Meditation versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder.’

Student stands with research board

Lilian Andrade presents ‘Parkinson’s Disease and Therapeutics Success: An Approach Comparison.’

You can read more about the Chapman event and find the full abstract