What experiences were most valuable to you as a student?

Some of the most valuable experiences at Chapman I had was my involvement in various clubs and organizations. I got involved as much as I possibly could including my sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma, which meant I got to meet so many incredible people from different walks of life. These kinds of experiences outside the classroom are the ones that matter the most in my opinion. Expanding your network in college will help you in life for years to come. grad pic

Who was a professor that made an impact on you?

Dr. Sumida is truly dedicated to helping his students. I am so fortunate to have learned from him. He is a professor I will never forget because of his humility and ability to make such difficult concepts easy to understand. He is an excellent advisor and has so many life lessons/advice to offer his students.

Any advice to incoming freshman?

My biggest piece of advice is to say “yes” to as many positive opportunities as you can. You don’t want to leave college regretting missing out on something. Positive experiences add up and make college worth it!

Chapman Grad Standing

What are your future plans?

After obtaining my degree in Health Sciences, I plan to work in medical device/pharmaceutical sales!

Congratulations Kassidy!