What has our DPT faculty been up to this spring? International travels to present research!

The desert

The Dubai desert, travel photo by Dr. Marquez

Dr. Nicole Marquez
‘ research, completed with five Crean College Doctorate of Physical Therapy students, was accepted by the
International Academic Forum, IAFOR
.  Dr. Marquez received the honor to travel to the 2015 IAFOR
International Conference on Education in Dubai
. She shares her unique experience at the conference and travel photos from the global city with us.

People viewing student research.

International professors view Dr. Marquez and the students’ presentation

Founded in 2009 by a group of international academic and business professionals, the forum’s mission was to be a “politically independent organization dedicated to providing and promoting meaningful dialogue irrespective of international borders.” IAFOR has members around the world who participate in international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary conferences, research, and publications.  Here at Crean College, we value and
such research in our initiatives and education model and are elated with Dr. Marquez’s participation and representation of the innovative work conducted at Chapman University.

“The forum provides new perspectives to the thought-leaders and decision-makers of today and tomorrow by offering constructive environments for dialogue and interchange at the intersections of nation, culture, and discipline.” IAFOR


Student presenting research

Dr. Marquez pictured with her research

Dr. Marquez and the students’ research objective sought to offer one of these new perspectives and was well received by attendees. Their objective: To review and assess methods used when teaching internationally in developing countries in the physical therapy and medical field in order to provide a framework for colleagues to use when aiding in the advancement of global physical therapy knowledge and skills.


Dr. Marquez states of her cultural academic travels,

“It was an amazing experience to be able to discuss education techniques with professors from around the world and to hear about the different cultures and teaching experiences.”

Congrats to Dr. Marquez for her accomplishment in presenting internationally and to the DPT students who added to the research!