Earlier this month, Professor Todd Cooley hosted the panel event “Careers in Marketing & Public Relations”. This panel featured an executive recruiter and other experts with insight on the current job market, both locally and nationally. The panelists shared invaluable advice with students who are getting started in careers in marketing and public relations.


1. Question for Jon Hernandez: What resources are available to Dodge College students?
Answer: The Alumni network. The relationships and connections you build from attending alumni events can take you a long way. Also, while you’re here, use your faculty–meet with them, listen to their advice, and absorb information from them. Lastly, don’t forget to utilize tools such as handshake–get on it, create your own profile and look for jobs and internships through that, it’s constantly growing with opportunities.

2. Question for Jennifer Horspool: What advice do you have for navigating different work environments?
Answer: There are pros and cons to working for a nonprofit organization, agencies, and corporations. In non-profits, you get really great role responsibility, and in the corporate world you get assigned 3-4 clients. I suggest starting at an agency, as it builds a foundation to catapult you to everything else (even though it might pay less). This way, you can get better view of where you want to go. If you start at an agency, it’s like getting a liberal arts degree, you get so much exposure, and you can see what you’re actually interested in pursuing.

3. Question for Jim Delulio: How hot is the marketplace right now?
Answer: You are graduating at a good time, the industry is going through its most dynamic history so far. For example, integrated communications (i.e. digital, social, traditional public relations, earned social, paid social, SEO, SEM, data analytics). You should at least understand social media strategies  and traditional public relations, but you need to be a diverse employee who understands all the different elements of integrated communications.

4. Question for all panelists: What are some common mistakes that students have made in promoting themselves?

– Jon: Not posting the content you produce on your social media. For example, you could make your Instagram your content page for whatever you have created.

– Jennifer: Keep thinking about how you want other people to perceive you. Be strategic in how you introduce yourself, or how you pitch yourself to others. Nobody likes to be sold, but everybody likes to buy. Keeping your pitch short is better than making it too long. Also, do as many informational interviews as you can (you can ask all about the employer and the position, and you’ll get more information and you will build your network.

– Hank: Accessibility. Make it easy for people to find your contact information. Also, build your personal brand – you should have a personal business card, your own website, and you have to have content. Practice thought leadership about topics that you are interested in. Remember that you are working for yourself, your brand will stay with yourself forever, and don’t forget to utilize Linkedin.

5. Question: Are Cover Letters (CV) still necessary?
Answer: Yes.

– Jon: Be sure to tailor your resume and CV to each job and use the keywords that they are looking for.

– Jennifer: Use your CV to show your passion, excitement, energy, and your personality. Make sure you are know and infuse the company’s missions, values and goals into your CV.

Want more tips?

View the full panel event on our Facebook page.

Panel Guests

Hank Blank: Agency Reviews | Staffing | Speaker | Blogger/ New Business Development | Digital Solutions/ Networker and Connector.

Jim Delulio: Recruiter/ Owner “PR Talent”

Jennifer Horspool: Founder of Engagement PR and Marketing, President of Jennifer Horspool Public Relations

Jon Hernandez: Career Advisor for Dodge College at Chapman University

Special thanks to Professor Todd Cooley for hosting this panel event, and to our panel of experts for imparting their experience and advice to our students!