It came as no surprise when Nou Vang, Integrated Educational Studies class of 2013, was awarded in May 2013 a Fulbright Scholar – English Teaching Assistantship in Taiwan for 2013-2014. In addition to being an IES major, Nou also holds minors in women’s studies and psychology.  While at Chapman, she was a first-generation Promising Futures student, a residential advisor and active in numerous clubs and honor societies, including the national Society of Collegiate Scholars and Mortar Board.

Nov Vang receiving the 2013-14 Outstanding Fulbright ETA Performance Award

Nov Vang (left) receiving the 2013-14 Outstanding Fulbright ETA Performance Award

“Nou is a great student and shines a beautiful light on our IES program and minors,” Dr. Donald Cardinal, Dean of the College of Educational Studies at Chapman University.

During this past fall, Nou has been assisting a master teacher at Shang Shih Elementary School in Taichung, Taiwan teaching approximately 90 students English to 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.  Just prior to their winter break, Nou attended a Fulbright conference for all the Fulbright Scholars and ETAs in Taiwan.   At the conference, Nou was chosen as one of two Fulbright ETAs in all of Taiwan to receive an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.  The award is given to those with the highest number of points in different areas ranging from how active they are at their school, how effectively they as an ETA interact with locals, how efficiently they submit weekly reports, and their scores on in-class observations.  Needless to add, Nou excelled in all the aforementioned categories, and now she may choose which all expense-paid trip she would like to take later this year.  She is considering going to Kaohsiung or Jinmen, but hasn’t made her final decision as yet.  Nou’s achievement is quite distinctive insofar as the Fulbright Scholar program has become increasingly competitive.  One can easily understand that those who know Nou and believe in her skills and talents as a young educator are in awe of her latest achievement

Congratulations, Nou!