122 posts categorized in

Education Issues


Race and Space

November 13, 2013 by Marisol Rexach, Ph.D. in Education Student | Education Issues

Dr. Samura’s current research focuses on space and race, and she is engaged in two research projects.
The first project, draws on archival research and visual methodology to offer an updated framework for thinking about and understanding what it means to be Asian American in the 21st Century, and to provide greater insight into the role of higher education in individual and collective racial transformations. Her second project draws on spatial approaches to examine university-community partnerships in Southern California.

CSD Students participate in Down Syndrome Association of Orange County’s 2013 Buddy Walk.

November 11, 2013 by Marisol Rexach, Ph.D. in Education Student | News

Annie Doan, a second year graduate student in the Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Program participated in an exciting event recently. Fellow students from cohorts 4 and 5 volunteered at the Down Syndrome Association of Orange County’s annual Buddy Walk this past Sunday, November 3, 2013, at the Angels Stadium. As one of Down Syndrome’s Association of Orange County’s (DSAOC) lead volunteers, Annie Doan is thrilled to initiate a partnership with Chapman CSD and DSAOC. She wishes to share the day with those who were unable to attend, so she created a fun video of the event.

Education, a global endeavor!

October 22, 2013 by Marisol Rexach | News

By Marisol Rexach. This past week I had the amazing opportunity to meet other educators who embody a strong commitment to education. Monday afforded me the privilege of sharing my experiences as a bilingual teacher in the United States. The educators from the Netherlands were curious about our system of education. They appreciated the practical strategies offered and were excited about putting the new information to use in their pre-school classrooms and teacher professional development offerings.

How do we know if we are making a difference?

October 15, 2013 by | News

The CES faculty and staff are neither interested in simple compliance to standards nor the mere graduation of countless students.  The faculty and staff demand a meaningful and purposeful environment that supports our graduates to obtain the finest positions in order to have an immediate impact in realizing our mission of “Changing Education,

Paulo Freire Democratic Project continues to be the home for the critical pedagogy movement and collection of archives

October 15, 2013 by | Education Issues

On September 28, 2013 the College of Educational Studies presented a special Paulo Freire Democratic Project event titled What Difference has Critical Pedagogy Made? in collaboration with the Leatherby Libraries on the campus of Chapman University. Professor Peter McLaren , who is Professor in the Division of Urban Schooling, at UCLA and Distinguished

CES Faculty, Students and Administration Stand and Deliver

September 19, 2013 by | News

CES Faculty, Students and Administration Stand and Deliver – The 2012 – 13 academic year seems to be the year for the CES to stand and deliver. As our mission states, “Guided by our values, vision, and guiding principles, the CES commits to develop critical scholarship and skillful leadership that inspires and respects individuals, serves communities, strengthens diversity, and ensures a just society,” the CES once again reaffirmed its position at last April’s AERA meeting in San Francisco, CA. (Read More)

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