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CES Represents at CASP

March 21, 2012 by | Student News

The Counseling and School Psychology faculty along with five doctoral students and ten Ed.S. students will be presenting at the California Association of School Psychologists (CASP) spring conference from March 21st to the 23rd. Two of our own Doctoral student, Stephanie Domzalski and Courtney Matz, are co-chairs of the conference. With faculty, the CSP group accounts for 14 workshops, papers and posters. Way

ATEP Journey to Taiwan!

March 21, 2012 by | Student News

In May, students and faculty from Chapman University’s Athletic Training Education Program will travel to Taiwan for a three week study abroad course in sports medicine.  In conjunction with the National Taiwan Sport University, ATEP students will participate in traditional Chinese medicine workshops on acupuncture, Tui Na therapy, and herbal medicine. They will also perform

School Psychology Students Represent CES at NASP

March 21, 2012 by | Student News

Drs. Michael Hass and Kelly Kennedy recently came back from the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) in Philadelphia. The meeting was attended by over 6,000 school psychologist from around the country and the world. Not only did 25 of our  School Psychology students attend – a record number –  but 8 Ed.S. and 3 doctoral students

Dr. Brian Alters New President of NCSE

March 21, 2012 by | Faculty News

This past weekend, Brian Alters became President of the Board of Directors of the National Center for Science Education (NCSE).  The President for the past 18 years was Kevin Padian, Professor of paleontology at U.C. Berkeley. NCSE is frequently in the middle of heated national controversy. With the addition of the teaching of climate change to

Dr. Montgomery blogs with President Doti

February 23, 2012 by | Faculty News

The CES’s very own Dr. Judy Montgomery is working with President Jim Doti and Lisa Mertins on their blog about their new children’s book endeavor. President Doti will write the story and Lisa will illustrate it. They collaborated on their first children’s book, A Christmas Adventure in Little Italy  in 2010. It  is the story of little

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