127 posts categorized in

Student News


CES Represents at CASP

March 21, 2012 by | Student News

The Counseling and School Psychology faculty along with five doctoral students and ten Ed.S. students will be presenting at the California Association of School Psychologists (CASP) spring conference from March 21st to the 23rd. Two of our own Doctoral student, Stephanie Domzalski and Courtney Matz, are co-chairs of the conference. With faculty, the CSP group accounts for 14 workshops, papers and posters. Way

ATEP Journey to Taiwan!

March 21, 2012 by | Student News

In May, students and faculty from Chapman University’s Athletic Training Education Program will travel to Taiwan for a three week study abroad course in sports medicine.  In conjunction with the National Taiwan Sport University, ATEP students will participate in traditional Chinese medicine workshops on acupuncture, Tui Na therapy, and herbal medicine. They will also perform

School Psychology Students Represent CES at NASP

March 21, 2012 by | Student News

Drs. Michael Hass and Kelly Kennedy recently came back from the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) in Philadelphia. The meeting was attended by over 6,000 school psychologist from around the country and the world. Not only did 25 of our  School Psychology students attend – a record number –  but 8 Ed.S. and 3 doctoral students

Ph.D. Students Receive Faculty-Student Scholarly Grants

December 8, 2011 by | Student News

Three Ph.D. students, Janae Dimick, Darla Hagge, and Nicol Howard recently received Faculty-Sponsored Student Scholarly/Creative Research grants. The grants will be used to present their research at professional conferences. Janae’s research topic, sponsored by Dr. Anna Wilson, is Battling for the Dream: Best Practices to Improve Access to Higher Education for Undocumented Students Residing in

NSSLHA Cooks Up Fantastic Chili for Homecoming

October 14, 2011 by | Student News

Don’t forget to come by this weekend for Chapman’s Homecoming! There will be something for everyone from the 5K to the masters classes to the chili cook off! The CES will be represented at the chili cook off by our student chapter of NSSLHA (National Student Speech Language Hearing Association), part of the Communication Sciences and

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