65 posts categorized in



A Prelude to the Evolution and Climate Change Open Forum at Chapman University

January 28, 2014 by | Education Issues

Ann Reid and Eugenie Scott were recently interviewed from the Inquiring Minds Jan. 24, 2014’s Podcast, “Eugenie Scott & Ann Reid – The Assault on Science Education,” and discuss a series of topics including how educators can defend their rights to teach evolution, and federal and local policies regarding protecting evolution and science in the class rooms.

Padres Unidos –Chapman University College of Educational Studies: A Partnership That Moves Mountains!

January 27, 2014 by | Education Issues

Padres Unidos hosted the Orange County Padres Unidos Partner Appreciation Event and awarded for the first time “Partner of the Year” to Donald N. Cardinal, Ph.D., the dean of Chapman’s College of Educational Studies. In 2011, Chapman’s College of Educational Studies and the Office of Extended Education provided training to Padres Unidos volunteers through a Community Workers certification program. The program included comprehensive modules dealing with education, health, faith, and parenting.

Christmas Art Project: Balancing Religion and Education Equality

December 18, 2013 by Marisol Rexach, Ph.D. in Education Student | Education Issues

I have been confronted with the reality of a Christian-centered academic calendar and how it privileges and marginalizes. While Christians are assured time off for religious observances, students of other faiths must make arrangements to complete missed assignments. In most cases, it is an accepted practice by all involved. However, when the issue of attendance is the focus, there are some serious inequities.

Honoring Nelson Mandela’s Legacy

December 6, 2013 by Marisol Rexach | News

With the passing of Nelson Mandela, I am struck with the reality that his actions mattered. His life mattered. My head flooded with thought, I recognize that some people touch our lives in ways we rarely identify. His self sacrifice always left me awestruck and I contemplate whether or not I have what it takes to combat injustice.

CSD Students participate in Down Syndrome Association of Orange County’s 2013 Buddy Walk.

November 11, 2013 by Marisol Rexach, Ph.D. in Education Student | News

Annie Doan, a second year graduate student in the Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Program participated in an exciting event recently. Fellow students from cohorts 4 and 5 volunteered at the Down Syndrome Association of Orange County’s annual Buddy Walk this past Sunday, November 3, 2013, at the Angels Stadium. As one of Down Syndrome’s Association of Orange County’s (DSAOC) lead volunteers, Annie Doan is thrilled to initiate a partnership with Chapman CSD and DSAOC. She wishes to share the day with those who were unable to attend, so she created a fun video of the event.

The Ph.D. in Education Program Continues to Build Momentum

September 19, 2013 by | News

Now in its 7th year the Ph.D. in Education faculty continues to prepare future educational and community leaders to help shape a better world. The program admits students into one of four major areas of study: Cultural and Curricular Studies, Disability Studies, Leadership Studies, and School Psychology. A minor emphasis of study is also possible. The program is built on several key principles, including, a supportive cohort model environment, personalized faculty mentoring, rigorous foundational and research methods coursework.

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