34 posts tagged

Marisol Rexach


Do vouchers promote segregation?

September 6, 2013 by | Student News

The Department of Justice and teacher unions are opposed to the Louisiana voucher program that allows students to attend private schools using public money.  Entitled the Louisiana Scholarship Program, it uses tax dollars to fund private school attendance. Low-income students who attend failing public schools are able to use these vouchers.  The Department of Justice

Buzz on the Common Core State Standards

April 11, 2013 by | Student News

The Common Core State Standards buzz is heating up.  On my desk sits a professionally-printed envelope with a DVD labeled “Stop Common Core” inside.  A The picture on the envelope depicts Jane Robbins, a Senior Fellow with the “American Principles Project” and Texas Superintendent, Robert Scott.  Also depicted is an image of a Trojan horse,

Suspension, Expulsion, and other ways to say, “Our way or the highway!”

March 12, 2013 by | Education Issues

I recently reviewed an analysis of suspension and expulsion data completed by Education Week.   These data originated from the U.S. Department of Education, wherein they examined race trends.  Some pretty savvy comments and questions were posted by readers.  They questioned the “lumping” of numbers, the gender inequity, and the lack of profiling schools as charter

Advice for a Student Teacher

December 3, 2012 by | Education Issues

A recent article in Education Week (Sawchuck, 2012) brings forth the issue of master teachers and their ability (or inability) to mentor student teachers. It tells of Summer Brewer’s first student-teaching experience, where the “master” teacher practiced the habit of worksheet marathons and desk sitting. According to Summer, the mentor spent most of her time

People Don’t Like Smart

October 25, 2012 by | Student Voices

What is wrong with our society!? In a nation that talks the talk of high achievement and education for all students, why is there so much pressure placed on “normal?” Think about any young student starting school. How quickly do they learn to feel shame for non-English ways? How readily to they perceive that “pink

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