IS&T recently implemented a new service for faculty and Advisors to use their ‘preferred name’ instead of their legal name when sending communications to students.

So how does this look?

When faculty are viewing their class rosters in Faculty Center and/or emailing  students, the subject line will default to “from: the desk of ‘preferred name’” instead of “from the desk of ‘legal name’.” When students are conducting class searches in Student Center, the preferred name of the faculty member will be listed instead of the legal name. Also, any references to faculty on class registration pages or on a student’s personalized schedule in Student Center will display the ‘preferred name’ of the faculty member.

When Advisors view an advisee in Advisor Center and/or email students, the subject line, same as faculty, will default to “from: the desk of ‘preferred name’” instead of “from: the desk of ‘legal name’.” The same will appear when conducting a class search, the ‘preferred name’ of the faculty member will be listed instead of their legal name. Similar to the faculty, any references to Advisors will also display their ‘preferred name’ instead of their ‘legal name’.

For faculty who are interested in having their preferred name setup, please contact your academic department assistant.