Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication to Increase Security CSAM: Week 1 Enable MFA to Increase Security (win prizes)
September 28, 2022
Have you ever worried about hackers getting into your accounts? Us too!
The most common password in the country is still 123456. But maybe you have taken the time to come up with a password only you’ll know…Are you sure, though? If someone can guess your password from looking at your Facebook page, you are probably not as secure as you think.
And even if you have a complex password, extra points for a password keeper! Unfortunately, bad cyber actors still have ways of getting past your password.
Wouldn’t it be nice to make it MUCH MORE DIFFICULT for them? Actually, YOU CAN! You just need to add a second way of identifying yourself in your accounts. What you need is…More Than a Password!
You might be happy using only a password to access your online accounts, but we can tell you that hackers are even more excited. Once they have your password, they are in. And you know what happens once bad actors access your accounts… You’ll see your money …walking away.
What is Multi-Factor Authentication?
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a layered approach to securing data and applications where a system requires a user to present a combination of two or more credentials to verify a user’s identity for login. MFA increases security because even if one credential becomes compromised, unauthorized users will be unable to meet the second authentication requirement and will not be able to access the targeted physical space, computing device, network, or database. It only takes a minute or two to enable and a few seconds to use.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a great way to help prevent unauthorized users from accessing your account in the event your Chapman University account password is compromised. Chapman University’s 2FA program uses the Microsoft Authenticator app, which is available for Android and iOS devices.
For more information, visit us at Chapman University’s 2 Factor Authentication page. Still have questions, call us at the Service Desk (714) 997-6531 or email servicedesk@chapman.edu.
Chapman University IS&T is always here to help you!
Follow IS&T on Instagram and Twitter: chapmanu_ist
For each of the four weeks of Cybersecurity Awareness month, we will be having a weekly “challenge” to earn cool prizes! Anyone who completes the weekly challenge will be entered into the raffle for that week’s prize. To finish with a BANG, at the end of the month, all submissions will be pooled together for a grand prize. To increase your chances of winning the grand prize, complete the challenge for each of the four weeks to earn a total of 4 entries!
- The winner of each week’s prize will be randomly selected from all entries for that challenge.
- The winner must be a Chapman staff/faculty/student, and submissions will only be accepted coming from their Chapman email address.
- Winners will be selected and notified in early November. Winners have 1 week to “claim” their prize, or another winner will be selected.
How to win:
- Complete this week’s challenge – Cybersecurity Crossword Puzzle
- Email infosec@chapman.edu some confirmation of completion (screenshot, print screen, your answers)
- Use the following subject line: “CSAM – Week 1”
That’s it! We hope to hear from all of you, and good luck!
Week 1 Challenge – Crossword
Prize: Fitbit Inspire 2