92 posts categorized in

IS&T News


Breakout Rooms Now Available On Teams

December 14, 2020 by | IS&T

The long anticipated day has finally arrived. Teams has now made breakout rooms available. Like in Zoom, meeting organizers can divide up members in a meeting into smaller private groups to allow for more flexibility in group discussions and other collaborative activities. What comes with Teams Breakout Rooms? Meeting organizer, similar to the meting host

Chapman University’s CIO Leads At Home and Away Where Helen Norris Leads, Others Follow

February 29, 2016 by | IS&T

Chapman University’s very own Vice President and Chief Information Officer Helen Norris recently co-authored an article  for the Educause Review newsletter on developing security profiles to assess information security risks within a university setting, ideas on technical tools and techniques to help in reducing those risks, and how to measure whether those techniques are actually

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