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Preferred Names for Faculty and Advisors Faculty and Advisor names to display preferred names instead of legal names.

February 12, 2021 by | IS&T

IS&T recently implemented a new service for faculty and Advisors to use their ‘preferred name’ instead of their legal name when sending communications to students. So how does this look? When faculty are viewing their class rosters in Faculty Center and/or emailing  students, the subject line will default to “from: the desk of ‘preferred name’”

Panopto Folder Maintenance – Dec. 21, 2020 Migrating content from old folders to new folders more compatible with Canvas LMS.

December 21, 2020 by | IS&T

On December 21, Chapman’s lecture capture system, Panopto, is scheduled to begin migrating content from the old folders to ones that work better with Canvas and Zoom. From late in the spring 2020 semester, Zoom Cloud recordings have been copied over to Panopto automatically and you should find them in your private My Folder >

Breakout Rooms Now Available On Teams

December 14, 2020 by | IS&T

The long anticipated day has finally arrived. Teams has now made breakout rooms available. Like in Zoom, meeting organizers can divide up members in a meeting into smaller private groups to allow for more flexibility in group discussions and other collaborative activities. What comes with Teams Breakout Rooms? Meeting organizer, similar to the meting host

How to Disable Cross-Site Tracking On Your Internet Browser Fast and easy steps to stop third-party sites from tracking your activity for advertising.

December 1, 2020 by | IS&T

Ever notice when you visit a website and then minutes later you are receiving advertisements for that site on your social media? This is due to something called Cross-Site Tracking, which is where third-party sites track your browser activity and data for advertising purposes. While some may find this service convenient, especially around the holidays,

Zoom Cloud Recording Retention Schedule All Zoom Cloud recordings will expire 120 days after recording

November 19, 2020 by | IS&T

On January 1st, 2021, Chapman University implemented a new Zoom Cloud Recording Retention Schedule, which is that all Zoom Cloud recordings will expire 120 days after recording, meaning that they will be moved to your Trash folder on the Zoom Cloud. Your Zoom recordings will be automatically copied into Microsoft OneDrive as well as to your Panopto My Folder > Meeting Recordings folder. Any recordings posted to Canvas after the fall 2020 semester should contain links that point

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