Librarian Interviews: Taylor Greene
September 15, 2015
Last summer I conducted a
series of interviews
with all the student workers around the Leatherby Libraries. These interviews helped inform the community about all the different areas of the library and all the services we have! Now, we’re doing the same with all our hard-working
librarians. Taylor Greene, our Performing Arts Librarian, was kindly able to answer ten questions for us.
1. What
your name and title?
Taylor Greene, Performing Arts Librarian
2. In what department of the Leatherby Libraries do you work?
Public Services
3. How long have you been at Chapman University?
This August marks my one year anniversary at Chapman!
4. What is your job in a nutshell?
Basically anything that involves Music, Theatre, or Dance, and the library. I teach bibliographic instruction sessions, purchase items for the library, and help students with their research for all three of those disciplines.
5. Have you held any jobs at other universities or libraries?
I worked at the Indiana University William and Gayle Cook Music Library for three years before coming to Chapman. I have also worked in several libraries in student
positions: The Kinsey Institute Library, the Archives of Traditional Music, the UC Riverside Music Library, and the CSUSB Pfau Library.
6. What are your passions/interests outside of work?
I enjoy playing classical guitar, cooking, and running.
7. Where did you get your degree?
My B.A. in Music Composition and Guitar Performance is from CSU San Bernardino, my M.A. in Musicology is from UC Riverside, and my M.L.S. with a Music Librarianship Specialization is from Indiana University.
8. Where is your hometown?
I don’t really have one in particular but I’ve mostly lived in various places in the Inland Empire.
9. What is the last book you read, or the last book you loved?
I just recently read (and loved) The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson about the building of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair and the serial murders that happened in Chicago at the same time.
10. Any fun facts about yourself?
When I was a teenager my dream job was to own a record store… I’m glad I became a librarian instead!