April is Campus Pride Month, and here at the
Leatherby Libraries
we are showing our pride! National Pride Month takes place in June, but since most colleges and universities are done for the school year by June, April was selected specifically for Campus Pride Month. The goal of Campus Pride Month is to show support for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community, as well as provide education and understanding about LGBTQ issues in an effort to promote acceptance.

Our support is apparent on the inside and the outside of the library. On the outside we have hung a large rainbow flag.


Inside the library we have a book display for Campus Pride Month. Library Assistant, David Carson selected a wide array of materials dealing with LGBTQ issues. There are books, DVDs, and even musical scores! Please remember that these items are available for check out, just ask at the Circulation desk!
