A Summer in Wisconsin Observing Animal Behavior

September 7, 2020 by Monroe Roush | Student Focus

As summer comes to an end, we’re excited to showcase our students who completed research and internships over the past few months! Senior environmental science and policy major Annie Ng talked with us about her summer research experience with the Loon Project, a research project headed by Professor of Biological Sciences Dr. Walter Piper. Q&A


First-Ever ES&P Networking Mixer Brought Positivity During Pandemic

June 24, 2020 by Monroe Roush | Events

I chose Chapman in part because of the Environmental Science and Policy (ES&P) program. I was attracted to the small class sizes, the passion of the students, and the professors I met when I was a prospective student. Now that I am a junior, I can confidently say that the major has far exceeded my


Call to Action for Racial Justice in STEM

June 10, 2020 by Edena Khoshaba | Student Author

As the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others cause nationwide anguish, millions of people have mobilized to fight for racial justice. I am glad to see that Chapman has issued statements and invited speakers and staff to address this movement and denounce continued violence against Black communities. However, while their


How One Becomes a Quadruple Major

May 30, 2020 by | Student Focus

Conner Carnahan ’20 graduated this spring as a quadruple major in Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy, and Business with a minor Economics. This wasn’t necessarily Conner’s plan from the start, but through his time at Chapman, he followed his passions which led him to explore a variety of academics. How One Major Snowballed into Four Carnahan entered


To The Incredible Schmid Faculty...

May 17, 2020 by Lindsay Zumwalt '20 | Student Author

Dear Schmid Faculty, When the final weeks of our last undergraduate semester moved online, many of us seniors were disheartened, not knowing when the next time we would see the Schmid faculty in-person. Although, yes, we see our current professors virtually every week, it is not the same. We cannot say hello to our freshman


Schmid Students Recognized at 2020 Campus Leadership Awards

May 16, 2020 by | Student Focus

On May 15, 2020, Dean of Students Jerry Price, Ph.D. held the 2020 Campus Leadership Awards to recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our Chapman students. This year due to the stay-at-home order, Dean Price presented the awards virtually from his home. He recorded and uploaded the videos to the @LifeatCU Instagram account. You can view


Introducing New Schmid Senator Macy Dexter '22

May 12, 2020 by Monroe Roush | Student Focus

Chapman’s Student Government Association (SGA) works to represent the interests of students by allocating funding, negotiating with administration, and hosting events. Last month, SGA held its elections for the 2020-2021 school year, and our newest Schmid senator is sophomore Macy Dexter! Dexter is a biological sciences major from Newport, Oregon, and she is also involved


Chapman's First Goldwater Scholar

April 6, 2020 by | News

Junior biochemistry and molecular biology major, Edena Khoshaba, was selected as Chapman University’s first Goldwater Scholar. This scholarship will help cover the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and board for Khoshaba’s senior year.  A Highly Competitive Scholarship The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship is awarded to sophomores and juniors seeking advanced research degrees in


A Trip to the Galápagos

February 12, 2020 by Alex Graden | Student Focus

Alex Graden is a senior biochemistry and molecular biology major. He participated in the ENV 227 Interterm Travel Course – 2020 Galápagos Trip. This past interterm, I took an amazing travel course with 13 other Chapman students to the Galápagos Islands. There was also a lot of pre-trip preparation. As an independent study, one other student


It Takes A Village To Educate Our Students

February 6, 2020 by | Student Focus

Many students in the sciences are working towards a career in healthcare. Which poses the question: How do we, as a college, prepare our students to be leaders in the healthcare industry? Going Beyond a Textbook Our faculty are preparing our young scientists for real-world challenges by further developing their interpersonal communication skills. Schmid College

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