Panel Discussion:

The Arab Youth Revolt
Chapman Experts Discuss the Events in Tunisia, Egypt and the Greater Middle East
Monday, February 14th
12:00-1:00 p.m.
Beckman 404
(Feel free to bring your lunch to the session)
Panelists: James J. Coyle and Nubar Hovsepian
Moderator: Donald Will
James J. Coyle, Ph.D. is the co-author of “Politics in the Middle East:  Culture and Conflict.”  Dr. Coyle is a graduate of Georgetown University (BSFS), Temple University (MPA) and George Washington University (Ph.D.).  He has extensive teaching experience including Politics of the Middle East, International Political Economics, and US National Security Strategy.  For the past seven years, he has been Director of Global Education at Chapman University.  Before he began his time at Chapman, Dr. Coyle served 24 years in the U.S. government with numerous assignments throughout the Middle East
Nubar Hovsepian, Ph.D. was born in Egypt. He teaches Political Science and is a specialist on Middle East politics. In addition to academic work, he has worked as: a political affairs officer in the United Nations,  journalist and columnist, and development specialist. In those capacities he covered and survived civil wars and wars in Lebanon. His last two books are: The War on Lebanon, and Palestinian State Formation: Education and the Construction of National Identity. His most recent trip to Egypt was in October 2010.
Donald Will, Ph.D. is the Delp-Wilkinson Professor of Peace Studies and worked for eleven years as a nongovernmental observer at the United Nations.  His work involved promoting a just peace in the Middle East and he was a presenter at the First UN Seminar on the Question of Palestine convened in Arusha, Tanzania in July 1980.