The Guggenheim Gallery presents, 

Fanatical Mechanical
February 6-March 9

FanaticalMechanical showcases the Photo-Lettering archives and typefaces from one of theleading type foundries and design studios in America, House Industries.Photo-Lettering or PLINC was one of the earliest and most successful typehouses to utilize photo technology in the production of commercial typographyand lettering. Numerous artifacts chronicling PLINC’s development are exhibitedsuch as original specimen books, catalogs and films with Photo-Letteringfounder Ed Rondthaler and longtime Photo-Lettering art director Ed Benguiat.Chapman is pleased to host the first West-Coast exhibition showcasing itshistory.
Includedin this exhibition are the materials and methods used in graphic designpractice during the “Cold Type” or Phototypesetting Era. Phototypesetting tookprecedence from the 1960s to 1980s when letterpress was replaced by offsetprinting. Graphic Designers became “Paste-up Artists” and used numerous toolsto create layered mechanicals that were camera-ready to develop plates to go onpress. The show invites students and visitors to examine the mechanical natureof this period of the history of graphic design and the physical craftsmanshipinvolved in the process.

For more information or questions please e-mail your inquiry at or call 714-997-6729.