You’re invited to the Wilkinson College Alumni Book Club on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 6:30 p.m — discussing Oscar Wilde’s, ”
The Picture of Dorian Gray”
with English Professor Myron Yeager at the Elliott Alumni House, 204 North Olive Street, Orange.

The Picture of Dorian Gray is one of the most brilliant and controversial personalities of all time … is it a tale of horror? A lesson in late Victorian guilt and retribution? A manifesto for the Aesthetic Movement? Since its publication in 1891, Oscar Wilde’s only novel, a fashionable young Londoner finds that his portrait records the ravages of sin and the markers of age while he maintains the appearance of youth and innocence until he finally claims to acknowledge guilt for his hedonism. Is the final action justice for a life given to dissipation or a tragically ironic effort at redemption? Often compared to Faust, Dorian Gray has become part of the Anglo-American cultural tradition having been the subject of at least three feature films, the premise for an episode of the 1960s Get Smart series, and even a men’s hair dye.

Space is limited and light refreshments will be served.

RSVP:, 714.997.6752