Flyer for The Experimental Metaphysics of Free Will
Fish Interfaith Center at Chapman University
presents, The Experimental Metaphysics of Free Will, on Thursday, February 28, 2013 starting at 9 a.m.

Throughout the day, top scholars will address challenges that the newest findings of Quantum Physics present for our understanding of free will. All sessions are free, open to everyone and will take place in the Fish Interfaith Center on campus.

Featured presenters include, Yakir Aharonov, James Van Cleve, Schlomit Ritz Finkelstein, David Finkelstein, Tenzin Priyadarshi and Gurucharan Singh Khalsa.

This event is sponsored by the
Department of Religious Studies
, the
Department of Philosophy
, the Huntington Lectureship, and the Wallace All Faiths Chapel.

For more information, please contact, (714) 628-7260 or
visit the event website


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