GOOD Foundation will award $100,000 to the highest voted project – Vote today!
April 9, 2013
Art Professor David Burns needs your vote to make his new project a reality. GOOD Foundation will award $100,000 to the highest voted project.
ABOUT THE PROJECT: Endless Orchard is a traditional grid of fruit trees amplified by mirrors, creating an illusion of endless fruit trees from various angles. The flashy technology of spectacle contrasts with its opposite, the quietly growing fruit tree. One is fast, and the other is slow. One is all surface, and the other is all substance. It’s a lens to see the relationship between our food and its history and how we live today. It interrogates our use of land, our values, and how we sustain one another. It asks us to take a close look.
With the support of LA2050, we can bring this concept to the next level of participation by planting fruit trees in neighborhoods across LA County to transform both their appearance and the way they function. Forty years from now, Los Angeles would have a completely different landscape. All arable land would be adapted to generate fruit and produce. The city would be a kind of permaculture food forest. This doesn’t mean that it won’t be beautiful. We take advantage of the natural beauty of fruit and fruit trees, the fragrance of their flowers, and the soothing charm of their green leaves — all demonstrated to improve mood and quality of life. Check out the video!