People working on clay sculptures.

In March and April 2013, several Chapman art students had the opportunity to volunteer at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, to help prepare a major retrospective exhibition by internationally renowned Swiss artist Urs Fischer.

Art Students Dylan Trumbull (’14), Jennifer Seo (’14), Julie Russo (’14), Kristi Underwood (’13), and Jessica Yi (’16)  participated in a large scale and collectively realized clay sculpture project for Urs Fischer. Giant palettes of clay were delivered to the museum (weighing several thousand pounds) and volunteers were invited to create sculptures for the exhibition in whatever form they wanted.

The sculptures were created on site in the museum, and comprise the entire exhibition. The creations will be on display for the run of the exhibition (April 21 – August 19, 2013). By inviting numerous participants from around Los Angeles to create clay sculptures that fill the entire museum, Fischer aimed to bring together a multitude of collaborators with individual styles. The exhibition opens to the public on April 21, 2013. Each of the student volunteers received a free admission pass to MOCA for the duration of the opening.