Are You Talking To Me?
September 23, 2013
Chapman Photographic Imaging Professor, Juliana Paciulli, opens her latest solo exhibition in Los Angeles, Are You Talking to Me?. Combining video, photography, and photographic textiles. Paciulli creates an enveloping narrative that re-visits adolescence and the search for individuality through the relative and familiar means of mass media, showing now through Saturday, October 12, 2013.
About the Artist and her exhibition: In her video, Paciulli’s actress reenacts the famous “Are you talking to me?” scene from Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver, replacing Deniro’s Travis Bickle with a teenage girl; the Spartan New York apartment is traded in for a suburban American home. The video furthers Paciulli’s practice of pictorially and cinematically examining the subject of young women and their relationship to popular culture. The video’s narrative is extended across the space through three still images. These pieces add graphic elements and text that tangentially touch on the video’s elements, deepening the story and signs therein. Ultimately, the artist gifts her female subjects with the subtle potential of becoming super-heroes, if only theirs is the generation to shrug off the mantle of discrimination that it will inherit.