Ceramics and Art Adjunct Faculty, Jon Ginnaty, has an upcoming Solo-exhibition titled, “Generation Z, The New Silent Generation” opening on Saturday, April 5, 2014, (Reception at 5 p.m.- 8 p.m. on April 5) running through Sunday, April 27 at Coastal Eddy Gallery, 1417 S. Coast Highway, in Laguna Beach.

As a recent father, Jon is fascinated by what the future may hold for his two daughters and while he and his wife were expecting their babies, they became aware of some alarming statistics that their unborn children were facing.  Previously unaware and naive to the idea that they may not have a healthy baby, Jon is using this installation to educate and share what he’s learned including statistics and information which was gathered from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


  • 1 in 54 boys or 1.85% (Represented in Red, Blue and Yellow Puzzle Pieces)
  • 1 in 252 girls or .4% (Not Represented)

Birth Defects

  • 2 in 54 children or 3% (Represented in Pink and Light Blue)

ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • 6 in 54 children or 11% (Represented in Orange)
  • Approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011.

ADHD Medication Treatment

  • 3 in 54 children or 6.1% of children are medicated (Represented in Orange with Red Cross)
  • The prevalence of children 4-17 years of age taking ADHD medication increased from 4.8% in 2007 to 6.1% in 2011

Generation Z: The New Silent Generation

“The name of this new generation is still up for debate. Possibilities include Generation Z, Digital Natives, the Net Generation, the 21st Century Generation, and the True Millennials. Due to the cyclical nature of generational characteristics, “the New Silent Generation” may be the most descriptive name, because its members will likely mimic many of the traits of the Silent Generation (born 1923-1944). For several reasons, the New Silent Generation will value career stability, ecological responsibility, and social justice. Like their Silent forebears, they may tend toward a more conservative, risk-averse lifestyle, preferring to travel less and remain with employers for long periods.

Growing up as digital natives, the New Silent Generation will share traits with their immediate predecessors, the Millennials. Specifically, the New Silents will blur the lines among races, ethnicities, and cultures, favoring inclusion in the workplace. This preference is likely to lead to high expectations from employers, who will include them as key players in plans and decisions. As many of the proposed names imply, this will be a generation where technology comes as easy – and as necessary – as breathing. This generation will be raised on the fact that technology advances happen rapidly. While already important, how well your organization manages its technology infrastructure will be critical for these entry-level employees. Finally, as the economy continues to struggle, what lessons will this newest generation learn as they observe their parents make choices between “wants” and “needs”? Some marketing experts predict that this generation will embody many of the same values of their Silent Generation great-grandparents of thrift, saving, and economic frugality.”  -Mountain States Employment Council – https://www.msec.org/HotTopics/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=791