Let Us Help You Print Your Poster For Research Day! Deadline May 1
April 16, 2014
For the upcoming research day on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, if students in WCHSS would like their poster printed by the Henley Lab, we request that all posters be turned in by Thursday, May 1, 2014. This is a firm deadline as we have to print more that 100 posters!
Students must email their poster as a PowerPoint file or .PDF in standard 36×48 (preferably in a white background) to the following email address: Henleylabposter@gmail.com.
A faculty mentor/adviser/professor must be CC’ed in the email, indicating that this is the final and approved poster.
The Henley Lab has sample poster templates available by request.
Please contact Brett Robertson, Henley lab assistant, at [rober186@mail.chapman.edu] if you have any questions.