CRASsH Workshop: Publishing in Academic Journals
October 21, 2014
Attention Faculty! Join us on Wednesday, October 29 at 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. for a
CRASsH Workshop
titled, “Publishing in Academic Journals” — with
Michelle Miller-Day,
PhD, Department of Communication Studies in the Laura Scudder Conference Room, Roosevelt 127.
In this workshop, Dr. Miller-Day will share her personal experience writing and publishing for various and broad audiences. She will lead a discussion on how to identify and approach publishers, and cover topics like how to get your publishing to count (tenure & promotion, discipline recognition). Come and learn about the peer review process and how to respond to editor’s comments of “revise and resubmit”, “accept pending revision”, or “reject”.
Dr. Mich
elle Miller-Day, Professor of Communication Studies joined the Chapman community in the fall of 2012. Michelle came to Chapman from Penn State with broad experience and a cross-disciplinary career. She has served as the Principle Qualitative Investigator of a National Institute on Drug Abuse funded project for the past 20 years. She has also served as Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-PI on a number of research grants to investigate or evaluate programs addressing issues at the intersection of health and communication. Her cross-disciplinary work spans medicine, health, communication, and sociology and she has published numerous peer-reviewed articles, including American Journal of Community Psychology, Journal of Family Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Resource and Communication Research Reports.