Attention Faculty! Join us on Wednesday, October 29 at 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. for a
CRASsH Workshop
titled, “Publishing in Academic Journals” — with
Michelle Miller-Day,
PhD, Department of Communication Studies in the Laura Scudder Conference Room, Roosevelt 127.

In this workshop, Dr. Miller-Day will share her personal experience writing and publishing for various and broad audiences. She will lead a discussion on how to identify and approach publishers, and cover topics like how to get your publishing to count (tenure & promotion, discipline recognition).  Come and learn about the peer review process and how to respond to editor’s comments of “revise and resubmit”, “accept pending revision”, or “reject”.

Dr. Mich
Woman smiling.
elle Miller-Day, Professor of Communication Studies joined the Chapman community in the fall of 2012. Michelle came to Chapman from Penn State with broad experience and a cross-disciplinary career.  She has served as the Principle Qualitative Investigator of a National Institute on Drug Abuse funded project for the past 20 years. She has also served as Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-PI on a number of research grants to investigate or evaluate programs addressing issues at the intersection of health and communication. Her cross-disciplinary work spans medicine, health, communication, and sociology and she has published numerous peer-reviewed articles, including American Journal of Community Psychology, Journal of Family Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Resource and Communication Research Reports.