In our survey we asked a random sample of Americans about fears of natural disasters. We then asked whether they had taken recommended preparedness steps such as assembling an emergency kit. Despite widespread fear, the vast majority of those surveyed do not have emergency kits—even in regions hardest hit by natural disasters.

American’s Most Feared Natural Disasters:


Most Feared Natural Disasters by Region*

Infographic for Disaster Fears by Region.

Disaster Preparedness: Get a Kit

Infographic for Disaster Preparedness.

Are you prepared?

Our research indicates that Americans are aware, but better communication strategies are needed to encourage the 71.7% who are unprepared for catastrophe.

We are conducting follow-up studies to examine why so many Americans remain unprepared despite lessons learned from recent natural disasters. We are also taking a closer look at preppers—a community that takes preparedness to the extreme.