What Americans Fear the Most
October 21, 2014
In our survey we asked a random sample of Americans about dozens of concerns and fears across four major domains:
Personal fears & concerns
- Safety in different spaces
- Anxiety about one’s future (illness, job stability, etc).
- Internet-related fears (identity theft, government surveillance, etc).
- Criminal victimization (murder, mugging, mass shootings, etc).
- Phobias (clowns, tight spaces, blood, etc).
American’s top 5 personal fears & concerns:
Fears about government & immigration
- Concerns about the government (Obamacare, gun control, etc)
- Concerns about immigration (immigrants cause crime, bring disease, etc).
American’s top 5 concerns about the government and immigration:
Concerns about the environment and natural disasters
- Pollution, rainforest decimation, global warming, etc).
- Asteroid strikes, earthquakes, volcanoes
Man-made disasters
- Terrorist attacks, nuclear meltdowns, nuclear attacks, etc.
American’s top 5 feared man-made disasters: