Visual Thinker Lecture Series Presents: Nov. 13
November 4, 2014
Art Department
is hosting a Visual Thinker Lecture Series on Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 7 p.m. with Professor of Art History and Architecture at University of California, Santa Barbara, Jeanette Favrot Peterson. Professor Peterson will speak on … The symbolic and racial implications of darkness: Guadalupe from Spain to the Americas.
About the Speaker:
Peterson’s teaching is focused on the visual culture of Precolumbian and colonial Latin America, but her interests in theories of vision, visuality, and color perception inspired a co-edited volume, Seeing Across Cultures: Visuality in the Early Modern Period, (Ashgate, 2012) in which she has a chapter on the Black Christs in the Americas. This year University of Texas published Visualizing Guadalupe: From Black Madonna to Queen of the Americas, a book that follows the trajectory of several devotions to the Virgin of Guadalupe, from the 12th-century Spanish Black Madonna in Extremadura, and her devotions in Bolivia and the well-known Virgin of Guadalupe. Currently she is working on a new Spanish edition of her 1993 book on the sixteenth-century murals of Malinalco as well as a study of the “three texts” in Bernardino de Sahagún’s Florentine Codex.
This event is free and open to the public and will be in Argyros Forum, 209C.
For more information, please contact the Art Department at (714) 997-6729.