Nationally acclaimed author Richard Bausch accepting applications until February 1, 2019 for his seventh annual Chapman University fiction writing workshop.


A free workshop is open to non-Chapman members of the community,  who will be selected via manuscript submission.

Chapman University Writing Workshop is ready to launch for the sixth year. This free writing workshop is taught by renowned novelist and short-story master Richard Bausch. The workshop is only open to members of the community (not to students at Chapman, who already have many opportunities to take writing classes). “We don’t put any limitations on applicants, either by age or by background. Who can tell where the next good writer will come from? A selected participant could be a high school student, unemployed, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a custodian or restaurant worker, a retired person, a truck driver. Frankly, the more diversity in the class, the better.” said Bausch. We encourage everyone to apply – so dust off that manuscript you’ve been working on, or write a new one and submit it.

Applicants must submit a fiction manuscript of up to 10 pages by Friday, February 1, 2019. (Nonfiction, poetry, etc. will not be considered.)  Bausch will personally read and consider all manuscripts and select ten participants for the workshop, who will be notified shortly thereafter.