Dr. Patrick Fuery, CCI Program Director, discusses Creative and Cultural Industries at the grand opening of the new Center.

Wilkinson College’s Creative and Cultural Industries has a place to officially call home. The program that launched in Fall 2015 recently celebrated its grand opening of the center, located at 428 N. Glassell Street, with CCI Program Director, Patrick Fuery.

“Tony Soprano once said ‘buy land, God’s not making any more’ – and that is how it is at CU. That the Provost gave us the house was a huge gesture of support. It is a significant ‘gift’ and what I recognize is that we have a responsibility to ensure the success of the Center. It is also has great visual impact,” said Dr. Fuery.

The Center came to be with the generous support of donors Karen and Joe Moderow who were also in attendance.

“The Moderows have been super supportive and continue to show a commitment to CCI and what we are building. Their particular interest is how CCI can be used to help alleviate social issues (such as poverty) and give struggling groups to succeed. I have spoken to them about how CCI can have this type of impact. They are also keen on CCI providing humanities/arts students with extra skills to become employable,” he said.

Housed in one of Chapman University’s historically refurbished properties, the space is designed for faculty offices and a place where CCI students can congregate in the inviting front room with its large bay window, and access to CCI source materials and program information and planning tools.

Dr. Patrick Fuery and Karen Moderow.

The Center for CCI is also the home of CCI’s incubator program. First envisioned as a launching ground for CCI students to build ongoing CCI projects in California and Europe, the incubator also gives CCI students the opportunity to work with high-end equipment in the areas of graphics, audio recording and editing, marketing design and VR.

Upcoming projects for the Center will include CCI student run social media programing, as well as the CCI Mentor Program, which will involve Alumni and event parents of current and former students, will offer invaluable insight, and knowledge for our CCI students through this program.

“Our aim is for the Center is: to provide a space for the students to connect and engage with the faculty; provide a location for visiting scholars (we have some lined up); provide a space for faculty and students to work together on research projects (such as the Creativity Index, podcasting, environmental and sustainability in CCI); as a space for the outside community to meet and engage with CCI,” said Dr. Fuery.