Wilkinson College led a group of students on an excursion to the Richard Nixon Library and Museum as part of Chapman’s Career Services Program. The group, guided by Wilkinson Career Advisor Erin Berthon, spent their time exploring and learning all about the former president and potential careers in museum work.

The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum is jointly operated by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the Richard Nixon Foundation and are both housed at the facility in Yorba Linda.

Translation: a wide variety of internships and jobs for Wilkinson Students!

The foundation and NARA offer research internships with responsibilities that require duties such as working on archival, museum, and oral history projects, and allowing access to the Nixon research materials. Pretty exciting stuff for an internship and a chance to employ skills most Wilkinson students are learning every day in their courses.

The Richard Nixon Library and Museum definitely likes to consider applicants from Chapman University and Wilkinson College, most recently hiring Wilkinson alumni Kristina Agopian (’19, BA History and MA War and Society) and Jason Schwartz (’17 MA War and Society).

“They were hired immediately after graduation from Chapman after obtaining their master’s degrees. Both went into the Research Associate roles,” said Byron. “Both positions require an in-depth understanding of Richard Nixon and his presidency, as well as an excitement about actively digging through real American history treasures located just steps away from your desk, in the National Archives,” he said.

As for Byron, he too is a Chapman alumnus graduating in 2015 with a BS in Business Administration and Marketing and a Minor in History. Byron worked as an intern at the museum for a while during his time at Chapman, eventually hired-on full-time, and has worked his way up the ladder ever since.

After browsing through the displays and reading about incredible moments in history, the group of students had a private sit down with Byron who explained how students could have a career in museums – even if they weren’t a history or political science major, although it doesn’t hurt to have those areas on your resume.

“I enjoyed visiting the Nixon Library and learning about Nixon’s presidency and also the engaging and interactive means the museum uses to display history,” said Sara Wilson (’22 English Major). “The excursion was fun and educational, and I’m grateful to Erin [Berthon] and Wilkinson College for sponsoring it!”

Research internship positions are usually offered twice a year at the museum. If you’re interested in working there, be sure to reach out to Berthon so she can keep you informed and connected when the opportunity presents itself.

“We are always looking for good, competent interns who have drive and are committed to the benefit of the organization,” said Byron.