Political Science majors Julia Smith and Matt Lyons presented their research at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), held this past weekend at CSU Channel Islands. Both students presented research undertaken in their methods course, POSC 201.  Julia, a sophomore said, “The SCCUR was a great and valuable experience. I learned so much about the research process and had the unique opportunity to speak with other students about their own research from a variety of schools. I would recommend this conference to any student!”

Similarly, Matt Lyons observed, ”     Going to the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research was a great experience. I got helpful feedback about my own work, and was exposed to the world of research.”

SCCUR provides a forum for the presentation of the best research, scholarship, and creative activities of undergraduate students in the region, and encourages communication of innovative achievements across disciplines. Students apply to present their work by submitting a proposal in the form of a brief abstract. Abstracts are reviewed by faculty from appropriate disciplines at participating institutions and accepted, returned for revision, or declined.

Participants come from approximately 80 institutions in Southern California and the rest of the nation, with some international presenters and SCCUR typically has 500-700 presentations. It is the largest regional multidisciplinary event of its kind in the United States. It has been hosted by universities all over Southern California since 1993.

Wilkinson College highly encourages students to get involved in research. To get started, visit your faculty advisor or check out the resources available from the Office of Undergraduate Research page.