Man speaking to crowd.
Learning is a lifelong journey for Chapman University alumni.  Last year, we launched an innovative new program to help Chapman alumni 50 years of age and older continue learning and growing at their alma mater. Chapman Alumni Lifelong Learning brings these seasoned learners together in the classroom with current students and outstanding faculty for a semester-long journey, exploring topics ranging from Shakespeare’s tragedies to Organizational Communication and much more.

Interested in getting involved? Join us on January 18 for Chapman Alumni Lifelong Learning Orientation & Class Registration.

  • Learn how to take advantage of resources at the Leatherby Libraries, including textbook borrowing.
  • Explore other learning opportunities, from Semester at Sea to iTunes U to Master Classes.
  • Get trained on using our new online library resource center for alumni, Chapman e-mail services, Blackboard and more.
  • And of course, find out about the Lifelong Learning class offerings for the Spring 2013 semester.

So please join us and register for an unforgettable semester at your alma mater! To learn more about the program or to RSVP for Chapman Alumni Lifelong Learning Orientation & Class Registration, contact Alumni Relations at or (714) 744-7045.

If you’re unable to attend Orientation on January 18, you can still be a part of the Lifelong Learning program this semester. Contact Alumni Relations for more information.