Seated crowd with lighting behind them.
A short story written by Chapman University faculty member and Argentine author Alicia Kozameh has been adapted for the stage and debuted this fall at the City Theater in Leon, France.

The play “30” was based on Kozameh’s story, “Heights,” and dramatizes a string of episodes in the lives of 30 female political prisoners held for 14 months in a police basement in Argentina. It is based on her experience as a political prisoner in Argentina from September 1975 to December 1978.

“Having my short story turned into a play is amazing. This will help expand the audience to hear my story,” said Kozameh.  “More people can understand the idea of what being a political prisoner means, which is something that happens every day all over the world.”  Kozameh did not see the most recent production but is looking forward to seeing it when it is staged at the next Belles Latinas Festival in France.

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