Come listen to architect, Sarah Strauss, next week on Monday, March 12 at 7pm in Moulton room 213.

Sarah Strauss received her Master of Architecture from Yale School of Architecture in 2002, and her B.A. in Studio Art, Art History and Chemistry from Duke University. Sarah co-founded Big prototype in 2004 to pursue interests in architecture, product, and furniture design. Dedicated to an ongoing interest in the history of ornament and pattern in the built world, Sarah teaches at the graduate and undergraduate level at Pratt Institute. Her scholarly work encourages the playful exploration of digital tools with an emphasis on the translation to physical building. In 2010, Strauss teamed up with Lia Halloran to form Collider, an installation art project to continue conversations across disciplines. Collider has become a
vehicle for questioning the limits of their respective disciplines and an opportunity for exuberant production.