Above: Art students at the Kim Schoenstadt reveal of Joshua Luther’s Meaning. The students pulled off the vinyl drawing that the artist had placed on the black wall and visitors were asked to add their colored chalk creations (which the museum painted in later) over the original drawing. The students also pulled off the letters (with Kim, the artist, on webcam) and made drawings with the pieces.

Eight Chapman students, Alyssa Najafi, Jadai Hamilton, Ashley Aliprandi, Laura Pugh, Jennifer Seo, Sarah Waldorf, Roxi Sharif, and Julie Russo are working as curatorial interns with professor Micol Hebron to deinstall the Doublespeak show and install and work for New Frontier, the Sundance Institute collaborative at the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art. Students also had the chance to see important sites such as the Spiral Jetty and local museums.

Below: Students at the Spiral Jetty