Poster for Alicia Kozameh Event
Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the
Department of English
are honoring E
nglish Professor Alicia Kozameh
on Thursday, April 4, 2013 in an all day event starting at 9:30 a.m. in the Doy and Dee Henley Reading Room, Second Floor, Leatherby Libraries.

The event,
Ethics, Aesthetics, and Acrobatics of the Written Word,
will offer presentations and discussions with Professor Kozameh’s friends, family, colleagues, and students.

Ten of Professor Kozameh’s creative writing students have organized a special tribute to her in the afternoon, and there will be Argentinian wine and snacks beginning at 3:45 p.m. with a book signing (her three novels, that have been translated into English, will be available for purchase and signing).

This is a free event and all are invited.

Event Program

About Professor Kozameh  …
Alicia Kozameh, Argentine author and former political prisoner during the last military dictatorship in her country, is the author of the novels Pasos bajo el agua (published in Spanish, then in English by UCPress as Steps Under Water, also published in German and already translated into Portuguese), a fictionalized account of her experience in prison; 259 saltos, uno inmortal (published in Spanish, then in English by Wings Press as 259 Leaps, the Last Immortal), inspired by her life as a political exile; Patas de avestruz (published first in German, then in Spanish, and already translated into English), Basse danse (published in Spanish); Natatio aeterna (forthcoming in Spanish in 2011); Eni Furtado no ha dejado de correr, currently being revised.From the collection of short stories Ofrenda de propia piel, several stories have been widely anthologized in different languages. The book of poetry Mano en vuelo (Hand in Flight) was published in 2008. She is also the editor of two anthologies: Caleidoscopio, la mujer en la mira, and Caleidoscopio 2, inmigrantes en la mira. In collaboration with another four ex-political prisoners she wrote the testimonial book Nosotras, presas politicas, that includes the testimonial accounts of more than one hundred women from the same prison, published in Spanish and Italian.Among other literary awards, she has been granted the Crisis International Award for best short story, and the Memoria historica de las mujeres en America Latina y el Caribe, 2000.