by Sheri Lehman …

Let’s talk digital. Or even better, let’s talk digital leadership. The web and social media have already transformed how we do business, connect, and socialize. But have you thought about how the web and social media have transformed the way you are?

Explore digital identity with Eric Stoller

An exciting opportunity to explore digital identity and leadership awaits you. On Wednesday, May 22, Eric Stoller will present “Our Shared Future: Digital Identity, Leadership, and Your Career” to Chapman student leaders. This event will be 10:00 – 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday and it is open to all students and recent graduates. To register and secure your seat, please fill out our simple Google Registration Form.

And we’re not kidding when we say this is for everyone… All student leaders, whether you hold a position or lead from within, are invited. Are you someone who:

  • Takes charge of your leadership in person and online?
  • Leads or brings together a diverse group of individuals?
  • Represents your organization to the Chapman community and community at large?

What we’re trying to say is… this presentation will be applicable to your leadership roles, lifestyles, and careers.

About Eric Stoller

Eric Stoller is a higher education thought-leader, consultant, writer, and speaker. He frequently travels around the U.S. to educate students and staff about the future of education, leadership, and technology. Eric has 10+ years of experience in these fields and has been blogging for more than 8. He currently blogs on his website and for Inside Higher Ed, the online source for news and opinions for all of higher education. He is a sought-out speaker and keynoter for Student Affairs conferences including ACPA, NASPA, and ACUI, and is former regional chair of the NASPA Technology Knowledge Community.

For questions, please feel free to email Sheri Lehman at