Book cover for Representing Disability.
Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences
, the Disability Studies minor,
the Peace Studies Program
, the College of Educational Studies, the Disability Alliance at Chapman, and the
Political Science Department
author Beth Haller
on Tuesday, January 14, 2014.

Haller will be presenting her lecture titled, ”
Representing Disability in an Ableist Society
” at 10:30 a.m. -11:45 a.m. in Beckman Hall 107, then at 12 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. she will head over to the College of Educational Studies, Reeves Hall, Room 3, to discuss her book and research (of over 20 years) in general disability studies. Bring your lunches!

After the lecture, at 3 p.m., a reception will be held in her honor in Roosevelt Hall, Room 127. All are invited to meet and talk with Haller (and enjoy some refreshments!).

About Beth Haller:

Beth Haller is Professor of Journalism/New Media and the Graduate Director of the Communication Management master’s program in the Department of Mass Communication & Communication Studies at Towson University in Maryland, where she has been a full-time faculty member since 1996. She is the author of
Representing Disability in an Ableist World: Essays on Mass Media
(Advocado Press, 2010). She is also the former co-editor of the Society for Disability Studies’ scholarly journal,
Disability Studies Quarterly
, (2003-2006). She is adjunct faculty for the City University of New York’s Disability Studies master’s program and for York University’s Critical Disability Studies graduate program in TorontoHaller will be on campus throughout the day “Representing Disability in an Ableist Society”, Tuesday, January 14, 2014 in the Laura Scudder Conference Room, Roosevelt Hall, Room 127.